> One caution though, about one specific item you mentioned several times:
 "... users entering a non-existing update site url ..."

I think entering an incorrect update site is a "normal" user action. The UI
should give the user the information but this should not be logged as
error. I suggest to open a bug report for p2 so that they do not report
this error if the request is done via the user p2 installation dialog.

2014-10-09 20:23 GMT+02:00 David M Williams <david_willi...@us.ibm.com>:

> Sound quite promising Marcel, not to mention cool!  :)
> Don't be too quick to write all those off as "user error". Believe it or
> not, some project's repositories include incorrect or obsolete "reference
> sites". That's one reason we stopped "copying them" to the Sim. Release
> repo. (That, and there was just too many, to be meaningful to users).
> I do not think there is a way to detect which were entered by user, and
> which were "data" provided by a project's repo.
> Perhaps you are talking about obvious typo's or something. But, if not,
> you might want to "keep a list" of non-existing sites you find in the
> reports, in a common "cross-project" bug, or something? (In the past, when
> I open bugs on invalid ones, projects were very slow to fix, if they fixed
> at all.)
> Good luck,
> From:        Marcel Bruch <marcel.br...@codetrails.com>
> To:        Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@eclipse.org>,
> Date:        10/09/2014 01:36 PM
> Subject:        [cross-project-issues-dev] Updates on Automated Error
> Reporting:        Started with Mars M2
> Sent by:        cross-project-issues-dev-boun...@eclipse.org
> ------------------------------
> Hi,
> I’d like to give an update on the current status of the automated error
> reporting started with Eclipse Mars M2 last week (and earlier iterations).
> The error reporting tool is now part of Eclipse Mars M2 Committer Edition
> and Modeling Package.
> In the past ~4 weeks, we received 1500 error reports, of which 650 were
> distinct. These reports have been mapped into 412 groups of very similar
> reports using an automated assessment but manually reviewing these
> recommendations.
> Out of these 412 report groups,
> * 48 reports (~12%) have been marked as being „not eclipse“, meaning that
> they are caused by other, external plugins.
> * 41 reports (~10%) have been marked as „invalid“ or „won’t fix“ meaning
> that they are likely caused by users-errors like entering a non-existing
> update site url or similar things.
> * 55 reports (~13%) have been moved to other projects for further
> investigation (I think they are likely bugs).
> * 10 new reports have been marked as fixed as of today
> * approximately 15 reports have been marked as duplicates of already
> existing bug reports created manually.
> The remaining ~250 reports currently do not provide enough information to
> allow (me) judgement. There are several reasons why I cannot judge whether
> it’s a bug or not. The obvious one is that neither the error message nor
> the stack trace give me a clear indication. The technical ones are (i) an
> issue with the m2e SLF4J log appender swallowing exceptions, and (ii) a
> misconception on my end where we swallowed some stacktraces hidden in
> CoreException.getStatus.
> Theses are fixed now and should lead to better results for M3.
> Up to now, we had roughly 350 reporters in the past 4 weeks and 75 alone
> last 7 days. Per day we receive between 50 and 120 error reports of which
> ~40 reports are „new“ (meaning distinct). For each of these distinct error
> reports a new bug report is created. After duplicate detection and first
> classification this number goes down to 20-30 per day.
> I hope and expect that the number of error reports per day goes down more
> and more over time. How many distinct error traces can be out there in
> Eclipse, eh? :-?
> Just to make clear again:
> Not all logged error reports are bugs. Actually, I estimate that at some
> point, say, 80% of the reports will be user errors (e.g. users entering a
> non-existing update site url etc.). Only a fraction will actually be bugs.
> However, when starting from zero, we need to wade through that river first…
> Of course it’s a bit too early to draw a conclusion. But what I can say at
> the moment is that:
> (i) we observe a recognizable amount of errors/bugs in Luna that weren’t
> reported in the past 6 months.
> (ii) projects like MPC, JDT, and PDE are quite responsive, i.e., comment
> and discuss them or mark them as duplicates of other bugs reported earlier.
> The way how these projects handle these reports is greatly appreciated and
> makes this a worthwhile investment for me.
> (iii) there are some new feature requests coming up from committers.
> Please let me know which ideas you have to make error reporting more useful.
> (iv) Bugzilla is not a good front-end to manage duplicate detections. At
> some time, we’ll have to improve this.
> (v) reviewing errors takes me roughly an hour per day. I’d welcome
> committers to review reports for their projects. Please find a set of
> example bugzilla queries to find the latest bugs for your projects below.
> If you don’t have time to review error reports, there are a few things you
> could do in your code to make error reporting and duplicate detection more
> effective:
> 1. Use error codes:
> We use error codes for duplicate detection (if two reports have the same
> error code they are more likely to be duplicates).
> We’ve 2144 error reports in the dashboard. Out of these 1114 error reports
> have an error code of ‚0‘; 432 have error code ‚2‘, and 403 reports use
> error code ‚4‘. Which makes 90 % of all error codes.
> 2. Use (single) quotes for placeholders in messages:
> We use the similar of error messages to determine whether two error
> reports are similar.
> We currently split the messages on white spaces. If we could safely
> identify the placeholders in your messages, this would work even better.
> Thus, if you'd use '' and put variable parts of your error message in
> there, this would be a great improvement. In case you use longer messages,
> you may consider putting them behind a ":". Then we could cut off your
> messages after the colon or at least rate it much lower.
> 3. Log your exceptions:
> Sounds obvious but isn't always the case.
> We use the exception types to judge whether two error reports may be
> duplicates. The more specific your log / status code and exception type is,
> the better we can detect duplicates.
> 4. Let your plugin name and packages follow the Eclipse naming conventions:
> We guess which bundles are participating in an stack trace by mapping
> class names to bundles resolved in the active system. If your plugin uses
> com.some.thing but you plugin is calls my.other we don’t put your bundle on
> the list of present bundles.
> We use this list of bundles to guess which Bugzilla product we file new
> issues against and guess the version from the report.
> 5. Use Bugzilla "whiteboard" field and keyword "needinfo“ in bug reports:
> The error reporter reads the values stored in the keyword and whiteboard
> field and presents them to the (next) reporter. For example, if you get an
> error message like the well-known ‚Resource is out of sync‘, the automated
> error reporter would send this error to eclipse.org and in turn would
> present the user a message like „Tip: Eclipse can keep track of resource
> changes automatically. To enable this, go to preferences > General >
> Workspace and enable 'use native polling‘".
> Done right, users that experience such a problem may get immediate
> feedback how to solve these issues for all times.
> In case the error report is not providing enough details, you may specify
> the „needinfo“ keyword. In that case, the next reporter get’s notified that
> a committer requested additional information and points him to the bug
> report.
> We may extend this approach in the near future depending on your feedback
> and if you actually make use of it. So, let us know what you think.
> Some notes on our plans for M3:
> First priority is improving duplicate detection. As of today we correctly
> classify 50% of the bugs with a false positive rate of 1%. For the
> remaining 50% we could do better…
> Second priority is improving the Eclipse client. If you have usability
> suggestions, please open a bug agains Recommenders.Incubator product,
> Stacktraces component.
> Using bugzilla as „ui“ is not perfect and we need to replace it some time
> in the future. For the time being, however, we’ll stay with Bugzilla until
> either Webmasters cut us off from Bugzilla because of too much traffic or
> we have to time to build a front-end more suitable for analyzing automated
> error reports.
> And sorry for broken (old) links.
> Short before M2 we changed the URL scheme so that all resources are now
> well protected; potentially private data is accessible for committers only.
> This, however, required a new (breaking) naming scheme. All new bug reports
> use the new urls but we did not fix the old ones. Sorry for the
> inconvenience this may have caused.
> The error reports dashboard is now available at:
> https://dev.eclipse.org/recommenders/committers/dashboard/
> Finally,
> in case you’d like to integrate the error reporting tool into your EPP
> package, please contact your package maintainer. We’d be more than happy to
> receive many more error reports.
> Best,
> Marcel
> Example links to review project specific reports below. You may take these
> as examples to create your own queries - or contact me for custom solutions:
> [m2e]   http://eclip.se/2P
> [oomph] http://eclip.se/2S
> [mpc]   http://eclip.se/2R
> [jdt]   http://goo.gl/ROkLsS
> [all open last 7d] http://goo.gl/uN03c7
> --
> Codetrails GmbH
> The knowledge transfer company
> Robert-Bosch-Str. 7, 64293 Darmstadt
> Phone: +49-6151-276-7092
> Mobile: +49-179-131-7721
> http://www.codetrails.com/
> Managing Director: Dr. Marcel Bruch
> Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 91940
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