Extended team, 

I am beginning a re-spin of the Sim. Release repository. 

Two major changes: SOA-BPN2 modeler removed and Window Builder removed. 

The former removed because they didn't finish the normal release 
requirements. The later was removed because it has not been tested with 
the Neon candidate release. (It did recently, after RC4, get a build which 
"removed one line of code" which prevented it from running on Neon ... 
but, our goal is not for projects to "join at the last minute" but to be 
part of the train for many milestones so it can be adequately tested). 

It is my understanding both projects plan to "rejoin the train" in the 
September release. 

A minor change: Linux Tools found a major memory leak which would normally 
not be "respin worthy", but I told them if we had to respin for other 
reasons they could include a fix for that. 

The EPP packages will need to be rebuilt of course -- first because they 
always are if the repository changes, but more so this time because Window 
Builder was included in two EPP packages and of course will have to be 
removed from those packages. 

I will update this list once both steps are complete. 


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