As you all should know, we have been working on fixing a bug in MPC (Market Place Client) that effected other projects too. (bug 501000).

The repositories are now visible to p2. The "Neon.1a" specific repository is

.../releases/neon/201610111000/ if anyone wants to use that in builds, etc.

The only difference between it and Neon.1 (.../releases/neon/201609281000/) is the MPC feature and bundles.

New packages were also created, so those getting a new version over the next few months would "start off correct".

The packages will be available soon, at the usual URL:

(be sure to hit "refresh" if you are repeatedly checking with your browser).

They will be labeled with "1a" at various points in directories and filenames.

We should spend some amount of time figuring out why it wasn't detected before the release, but I know these things happen -- especially when proxies are involved!

Thanks to everyone who made this quick fix available.

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