Carsten Reckord wrote:
> I’ve dug around a bit (for details, see
>, and the two
> versions are contributed by the Platform
> (org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.5.2.v20170210-0925) and by JGit
> (org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.5.2.v20180410-1551 – this one is
> new in RC3). The newer HttpClient version was introduced in Orbit
> I20180417184143 to make it safely co-exist with commons.logging 1.2 and
> commons.codec 1.10, neither of which are currently found in the Simrel
> repository.
> While the version contributed by JGit is the current one from the Orbit
> Photon repository, I think at this point the easiest and safest thing to
> do would be for JGit to go back to the old version to get a consistent
> state of the Simrel repo again. The alternative would be to update ECF
> with the new version, respin the platform, and get the Mylyn SDK to use
> the new version as well.
> What do you think?

Looks like Code Recommenders also contributes 4.5.2.v20180410-1551 [1].
So JGit is not the only one.

Do we have to do another release/contribution, just with a different
o.a.h.httpclient version in the contributed repo? If so, are we sure
that Code Recommenders and JGit are the only two projects contributing
the newer version?

Best wishes,



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