Dear project leads,
A friendly reminder to provide the link to your project's New and Noteworthy page on .
The deadline is December 7.
Thanks & Regards,
Lakshmi P Shanmugam,
----- Original message -----
From: Lakshmi P Shanmugam/India/IBM
Subject: New and Noteworthy page for the 2018-12 release
Date: Fri, Nov 16, 2018 8:25 PM
Dear project leads,
For the 2018-12 release, the Eclipse Foundation has created a New and Noteworthy page for the Release train. The page will contain the *links* to the New and Noteworthy (N&N) pages of the projects in the release train and only those projects that respond with their input will be added to the page.
You are encouraged to provide the N&N links for your respective projects. If your project already has a N&N page for this release, please provide the link to the existing page. If it doesn’t have a N&N page yet, you are encouraged to create a page that highlights the noteworthy features of your project in this release.
If you are not sure where to start, you are encouraged to use the template used by the Eclipse SDK project. You can find it here - You can see the template in action in the N&N pages of Eclipse SDK project -
I’ve created for collecting the N&N links from the projects.
The projects that would like to have their N&N page linked from the main page should update the bug with their link. Please provide the link as soon as possible, even if the content on the page is not complete. You can continue to work on the N&N content even after providing the links.
The deadline for providing the link for your project is December 7.
Thanks & Regards,
Lakshmi Shanmugam

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