
I'm not convinced these two discussions don't have the same 'PDE' solution.

It seems to me that a Java-N-supporting Eclipse should have a list of legacy Java < N packages that have solutions to enable their ongoing use In Java-N. The new solution may be to acquire the package from a variant module-path, from a fragment or from Orbit. When PDE / P2 encounters a request for a legacy package, it activates the solution. Perhaps some legacy packages might need an auto-add-to-classpath or an auto-earlystart.


        Ed Willink

On 16/12/2018 16:04, Stephan Herrmann wrote:
I agree with Ed that there is much room for improvement, or: opportunity to
help our users.

I suggest to separate 2 discussions for now:

(1) How can Eclipse itself be made more stable to be runnable on more versions of
Java without hiccups like experienced by Code Recommenders, Mylyn etc?

(2) Can JDT hide Java "eccentricities" from user projects, e.g., can we conjure a "java.xml" rabbit out of the hat, even if JRE 11 doesn't provide it any more?

Discussion (1) is urgent right now, it is essential for the 2018-12 release. Some alternatives have been discussed for months. If those discussions have not yet converged on a solution that works on Java 10- like 11+ then we seem to need improved mechanisms of conditional installation (like: add a bundle from Orbit IFF java.version >= 11) - not only during "install new software"
but also during installing a zipped / tarred package.

I'm open to discussing (2) in a JDT bug, although I should add, we are more than busy just providing support for each new Java version. Implementing additional
non-strict modes obviously requires additional efforts, just saying.


On 16.12.18 16:19, Ed Willink wrote:

The recent "Errors when running 2018-12 RC2 on Java 11" thread is just one of many 'new'-Java problems.

The instability of Java is clearly a major PITA, so that each of Java 8, 9, 10, 11 has resulted in significant breakages that have gradually been ameliorated.

As a user I see Eclipse as a nice platform that has for many years hidden the Windows/Linux/MacOS eccentricities. Less obviously, the platform now nodes to hide the Java 7/8/9/10/11 eccentricities, so that for the most part an Eclipse application just works. We should not depend on each project rebuilding with latest-Java workarounds.

Currently each new Java eccentricity seems to be accommodated by dubious workarounds that do not hide the problem from the user. e.g. I now have to import javax.annotation into each of my test plugins.

It seems that we need to offer two options.

a) a default Eclipse that maximally hides the Java eccentricities to give a good user experience. This may require a 're-modularizer' to counteract Java's incessant migrations.

b) -strict Eclipse for those who want to be precisely in tune with a Java eccentricity.


         Ed Willink

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