Object Teams will ship the service release 2.8.1:


On 20.05.20 17:59, Wayne Beaton wrote:
Hey folks!

I've created the record for the 2020-06 Simultaneous Release <https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/2020-06>. As usual, I've used the information that I have available to make my best guess at which version you're releasing. If I've got something wrong, please first make sure that you've created a release record with the right date and then let me know to update the corresponding entry on the release page.

I noticed that several of the contributions are more than one year old (some of them significantly more). I don't believe that it's necessarily wrong to contribute stable content, but would like to make sure that somebody is periodically testing configurations that include these contributions to mitigate the risk that we ship broken content.

Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (2018)
Eclipse BIRT (2017)
Eclipse Mylyn (2018)
Eclipse WindowBuilder (early 2019)
Eclipse Xpand (2016)
Eclipse Remote Systems Explorer (2018)
Eclipse EMFStore (2017)
Eclipse BPMN2 Model (2018)
Eclipse BPEL Designer (2018)
Eclipse ACTF (2017)



Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Join us at our virtual event: EclipseCon 2020 <https://www.eclipsecon.org/2020>- October 20-22

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