
You quote out of context where "Tycho being used" is in reference to the build of a project's p2 site not with reference to how the aggregation itself is implemented.

I think it would be awfully nice if there were less finger pointing and less pessimism shared quite so freely.   Of course we all feel that we personally have the most well-informed, well-balanced point of view while those of others are all too often somehow ill-considered and unbalanced.  That's just human nature, but a little bit of reflection tells us that perhaps it's because we are only looking at the shiny side of the coin and that we ought to seriously look at the other side too rather than lay the coin flat and draw attention only to the upward-facing shiny side.

I don't even think this particular coin to which you draw attention is actually relevant to whether Orbit's repository is included in an aggregation or not (the topic of this thread), because this is not an issue of how the aggregation is implemented nor is the issue somehow resolved or eliminated by implementing aggregation differently...

On 14.01.2022 10:23, Mickael Istria wrote:

On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 9:50 AM Christoph Läubrich <lae...@laeubi-soft.de> wrote:

    If Tycho is used

I tried for a long time to migrate SimRel from p2 aggregator (which is a technology very few are capable of using, much fewer are capable of maintaining, and much even fewer -if any- is willing to maintain) to Tycho and provided a full migration path and even a fully output of this migration path that was building a repo that was equivalent to SimRel. There were some quirks and attention got focused on those quirks without anyone really trying to be constructive on helping to fix them, and some vocal consumers were afraid of this change being a burden for for them as they're not willing to change at all ( https://www.astroarch.com/tvp_strategy/no-thanks-busy-pay-back-technical-debt-40188/ ); in the end, I gave up because of more energy spent by anti-change camp than I wanted to spend on this migration. Let's hope that will change some day; but I personally can't be that optimistic any more.

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