On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 at 14:57, Wim Jongman <wim.jong...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I use a content management tool called Hugo that allows me to tag my 
>> articles. Hugo will generate an RSS feed for each tag and I share the RSS 
>> feed with the tag "eclipse" on PlanetEclipse:
>> https://www.chrisguindon.com/tags/eclipse/index.xml
> That looks great. Is that something that the foundation could host? Or 
> provide a blogging space in some other way?
> Maybe it can be done through a gitlab repo, a wiki, whatever, as long as it 
> is available to people with an eclipse account and get's pulled to planet 
> eclipse
> The technology is not that important.
> But surely, to not waste webmasters' bandwidth, first, we need to agree that 
> this is something that adds value.

Doesn't gitlab have a "gitlab-pages" feature similar to "github-pages" ?

Any old static site generating blog software can generate tag-specific
feeds... I use Pelican for this which is dead simple: Write some
markdown, run make, git commit, git push to github/gitlab-pages. I
don't really think you need any resource/blessing from the Foundation
for this, do you?

Mat Booth
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