Anton Oussik wrote:

Another thing that could be done is to reduce the feding speed. What
is the proper way of reducing weapon speed of a skill? I looked around
briefly, but could not find it.

I don't know if there is actually a way to do this - it may be hardcoded right now, but there must be some diffrence, as I know karate is faster than dragon clawing even at the same level.

  If so, I wonder if it may be nice to give starting wraiths some like a staff
of minor healing just so they can use it to get enough hp to go kill wimpy

As it stands now, a newborn wraith at 0hp can quite happily clear a
room of kobolds and come out with full hp. I feel it is too powerful,
so perhaps doing both, scaling down the feeding speed (probably about
5-10fold), and also not giving the wraith the skill until they reach
level 15 would be appropriate to balance the race.

Well, I'd argue that if I can go into a room with 0 hp and be sure to survive fighting kobolds, something is a bit off.

but my original point was also that if I'm at 0 (or near zero hp) and low level, what can I do? Arguably, fighting anything should have some danger, and given that hp level, a stray hit could kill me. Yet if I don't get hp back by waiting, I'm sort of stuck - I basically have to risk death to get the hp back.

I wonder if level should also come into play? I could otherwise see more moderate level wraiths who have very few hp thinking 'hey, I should go to the newbie dungeon to suck up some hp', which probably isn't what we really want. That 8th level wraith probably shouldn't get nearly as many hp back fighting kobolds if we want to try and discourage that behaviour.

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