On 1/28/06, Brendan Lally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd be inclined to say that the quickest way to do that would be to
> have a deliberate compatibility break,

oh, one other thing which is vaguely related to that, a 2.0 release
would also seem to be a good time to rename some binaries. Currently
the server binary is called crossfire, and the gtkclient is gcfclient,
every few weeks someone appears on either #crossfire or the cfmb who
can't find the name of the binary to run, the naming system isn't as
straightforward as it might be

I would suggest the following mappings (for both binaries and package names)
crossedit -> crossedit
crossfire -> crossfire-server
gcfclient -> crossfire-client
gcfclient2 -> crossfire-client2 (or crossfire-client-gtk2)
cfclient -> crossfire-client-x
CFJavaEditor -> jcrossedit

The slight annoyance this might cause with script breakages can be
justified by a major version number change.

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