Yann Chachkoff wrote:

>> (and maybe include some metaserver filter to stop servers older than this
>> being included too).
> If protocol compatibility is to get broken, it is probably better to change
> the metaserver URL, so that versions 1.x and 2.x don't overlap.

  When there was the metaserver downtime/issues, there was talk at that time 
about a new more distributed metaserver implementation.

  Now the problem with the metaserver got resolved, and that sort of lowered in 
priority.  But we still have the case of a single metaserver.  If we know the 
server/protocol is going to change, coming up/using a new metaserver protocol 
the same time would make a lot of sense.

  Thus, only new servers would have the code to talk to this metaserver.
  Only new clients would have the code to talk to this metaserver.

  It sorts its self out quite nicely in that regard.

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