On 8/20/06, Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> After some fun chat on the irc channel, I'm creating a talking fireplace
> which'll tell stories to players.
> Small Python scripts, that'll be all :)
> Now the question is, where should we put the stories?
> IMO, a good place is in the share directory, maybe in a 'stories'
> subdirectory.
> A story could be quite long, so using the msg field isn't the best way imo.

Im thinking "maps-bigworld/python/talkingfireplace" and a "data" or
"stories" directory inside that for the stories, unless someone
objects.  Latter it may be a good idea to tie the fireplace into
lore/story colleciton scripts.

Andrew Fuchs

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