Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:
> What would you think of writing the documentation on the Crossfire wiki 
> ( then exporting it to revelant files?
> Having everything on the wiki makes sense imo, and it's easier to fix doc - 
> no 
> need to get SVN first.
IMHO this is a good idea. Also, there are already some documentation
files that have been put into the wiki and formatted to match it.
Another thought, is I think that we should consider using a separate
wiki namespace for documentation that is meant for exporting to the
server and/or client source tree.

> I'm pretty sure doing a text export isn't too hard, and maybe we could 
> generate some PDF too if required. The process could even be automatized.
This could work, though one note is if we want to do a really good job
of text export, we will have to do little things such as parse bulleted
sections, and perhaps even do automatic section/chapter numbering based
on wiki headers (things like section 6.2.1 for things in the 6th
non-title top level header, within the second second-level header within
that, and the first third-level header within that. Not a hard thing to
code parsing to generate, but does require a bit of smartness in the
coding :))

Alex Schultz

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