> Yeah... whatever... at least GTK clients are easily built.  I'd try this
> so-called super awesome, non-geekified jxclient if I had a clue where to
> get a jar or how to build it, but maybe it is too good for the playing
> masses and we couldn't handle it? And for crying out loud, it doesn't even
> get honorable mention on the Crossfire web site.

jxclient was (is probably still) considered experimental (no map2 support, I 
think) since not so long ago (a few days/weeks), so yes it isn't mentioned. 
But even in its current state I much prefer the interface :) (your mileage 
may vary, of course)

And I suggest you do a small experiment: find a Windows computer, and try to 
build the GTK1 client there :) You'll see it isn't that easy ^_-
(and I'm not even sure it does work on Macs...)

> I pulled down ant (87 MB with deps), and still didn't have a clue where to
> go from there.  For now, I'll stick with using a geeky client rather than
> none at all.

cd to jxclient directory, then 'ant' to build it. Then 'java -jar 
jxclient.jar' to run it (full screen mode by default, add -N to make it 

> What's with java projects anyway?  Gridarta doesn't release jars, I don't
> see one for jxclient.  You have to get them off-project.  I guess if you're
> not in, you're out.

See first point, experimental. But I do hope it'll soon be in good shape, 
thanks to Ragnor's work, and usable :)

http://nicolas.weeger.free.fr [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref 
de l'aléatoire !]

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