> Most important (sorted by order of importance):
>   - HP/SP/Gr/Food bars
>   - range (current spell or bow) - important if I have the wrong thing
> active and I am wondering why the monsters around me are not harmed
>   - protections (percentages for all current protections, armor) -
> important especially when they change because I have been hit or a spell
> expires. - AC
>   - damage
>   - speed
>   - weapon speed
>   - WC
> Less important (not important during combat, can be "tabbed away"):
>   - stats (Str, Dex, Con, ...)
>   - experience
>   - level
>   - skills and experience in each skill
>   - character name
> Alas, there is currently no 2-columns layout that displays simultaneously
> all information that I consider to be important.  Others may have different
> preferences, of course.  But it would be nice to agree on what should be
> visible in the minimal layout (default) before discussing how it should be
> organized.
> -Raphaël

This is not a two-column layout, but I took your ideas and came up with this:


Nothing is hidden however.  Run/Fire indicators are between the Range: and
the speed stats.

I decided to play around... this is almost 800x600!  There are some widget
resizing issues so it doesn't go quite within 800, but it was surprising to
see what you could do.


Accepting creative names.

Kevin Bulgrien

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