On Thu 29/05/08  1:37 PM , Nicolas Weeger [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
> The combat rebalance needs to be finished. Mark, how can we help you
> on that?
> Also, do people have comments about the current hand to hand combat
> rebalance? 
> Can be seen on the Ailesse servers (one permadeath, the other non 
> permadeath).
> What about general item/monster fixing/balance?

 I plan to start working on that once I get back from vacation in another week 
and a half or so.  Excuse the mistakes - Austrian kezboards have the kezs in 
the wrong places...

 For combat, most useful information is existing feedback, as well as some 
reference characters at different levels to see how what thez look like.

 As I've been rebalancing things, I've also been doing monsters, but less so 

 Some depends on more overall plaz feel - combat is slowed down, but is still 
largelz hack up a bunch of monsters.  Some redesign of maps maz be in order to 
have fewer monsters, but those that do exist are tougher.  For most of the 
normal monsters, I've been trzing to give them stats closer to that of the 
plazer - in that waz, plazer vs plazer combat, whether intentional or not, is 
also more balanced.  But that isn't to saz that the big boss monster can't have 
5 times the hp of the plazer for example.

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