On 12/29/11 08:36 AM, Nicolas Weeger wrote:

Right now acid and cancellation will permanently alter an item, decreasing its
"magic" (acid) or setting it to 0 (cancellation).

For "bad" items (weapons with -1 for instance), this is nice because you can
recover items.

For good items, this is really bad, because you just lose some power on the

This can of course be the correct behaviour, but it's always painful for
players to  have equipment thus damaged :)

If this should be changed, one fix could be to store the "magic" as a
key/value, and add items to restore that value.

This has been an issue for a long time (and discussed in the past with many different proposals). I'm not sure the ideal situation - acid damage equipment is probably much harsher (or happens much more often) than it should - especially given the fast pace of the game - before you realize what the rust monster is doing, all of your equipment may be at -4.

Certainly storing the original magic value of the item would be easy enough to do, and one could think of ways to allow it to be repaired - go to armor shop and pay some amount of money, etc. So I certainly think that is a good idea.

I also wouldn't be adverse to somehow recording when last acid damage happened and throttle it back so the player has a chance to react. If they choose not to, their equipment may still get a bit damaged, but if they at least have a chance, that would be better. I always consider it better for players to be able to experience things in game and learn from them, but as is, with some acid attacks, the learning cost can be very high.

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