Just a quick note:

While using external libraries for certain common things can be handy, one also has to be careful about how common these libraries are (eg, if it doesn't exist on certain platforms, its convenience factor goes down a whole bunch)

Beyond that, there was a separate ticket/discussion about the need to have perl for the server on windows to collect the archetypes. To me, that isn't a big issue, but so some it is, and if that is an issue, I'd then think requiring additional libraries would fall into that extra pain. It could also make binary distributions harder

certainly, using standard functions that are available on all systems and simplify life should be done.

The socket code got a bit messy with all the WIN32 #ifdefs - a simpler solution there would probably be add a 'read_from_socket' type function which makes the appropriate call and checks the appropriate error types and returns appropriate error code, so all that logic only has to be in one function and not duplicated many times. Same could be done for the write calls.

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