A few points, hopefully helpful, maybe flaming:


Since XML is a subset (superset?) of SGML, I think finding and
incorporating an XML parser is much easier than a SGML one.


I hate the idea of being whitespace dependent. Although, I haven't
actually *used* YAML...

I think the biggest tug of war would be between JSON and XML. I would
likely lean toward JSON, since it's more compact.

> Hopefully though the files will ultimately be manipulated through tools and 
> not
> edited directly... ^.^;;;

I think it's important that editing tools are more or less ironclad
before making a big change. As hard as it is to learn to make and
submit new/changed content, I'd hate to see it get more intimidating
through adoption of new formats.

Overall, I'll be sad to see a departure from the current flat files,
though I acknowledge that the need for something more "standard" is

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