"Kapade, Mrunal" <mrunal.kap...@intel.com> writes:

> It's great to hear this is finally landing in the master.
> Can you also make sure the documentation on our website is updated with 
> appropriate GN config?
> Especially this page, 
> https://crosswalk-project.org/contribute/building_crosswalk.html and other 
> related pages.

I'm basically just waiting for the Android GN code to land to make sure
everything is stable before updating the build instructions.

If you are feeling adventurous, here's what you need to do:
* Set the GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION environment variable to 1.
  It makes sure gyp_xwalk does not run as part of our hooks.
* cd /path/to/src
* gn gen --args='import("//xwalk/build/linux.gni") is_debug=false' //out/Release
  gn args //out/Release
  (and type import("//xwalk/build/linux.gni") and other arguments there)
* Run ninja as usual.

GN is also run automatically when you change any BUILD.gn or *.gni file,
so you don't have to manually invoke a script to regenerate your ninja
files every time you change the build system as is the case with gyp.
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