David Honig writes:
 > Similarly, stego'ing an .mp3 ripped from a CD is a bad idea;
 > stego'ing a .mp3 you made from a signal that was analogue at some
 > point works.

Every algorithm is deterministic, but different algorithms will
produce different results.  And there is no "standard" algorithm for
mp3 encoding.  It might be suspicious if the TLA found an mp3 which
was encoded using no known algorithm.  A sensible cryptographer would
treat each tune as a one-time pad.  A "stego" mp3 encoder could encode
using a qualified random stream of bits by default, or a crypto stream
for an encoded message.  If this encoder was widely distributed, then
you'd have somewhere to hide crypto.  However if it wasn't, then
you're tagging your messages "THIS IS HIDDEN ENCRYPTION".

There's enough random bits flying around the net that there's no point 
in doing that.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
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