I recently stumbled across two attempts to solve a cryptographic problem - which has lead to what look like rather unfortunate solutions.

The problem has to do with using rsync to maintain backups of directories. rsync tries to transfer a minimum of data by sending only the differences between new and old versions of files. Suppose, however, that I want to keep my backup "in the cloud", and I don't want to expose my data. That is, what I really want to store is encrypted versions of my files - and I don't want the server to be able to decrypt, even as part of the transfer. So what I do is locally encrypt each file before trying to sync it. However, using CBC (apparently the only acceptable mode of operation), any change in the file itself propagates to changes to the rest of encrypted file, so rsync has to transfer the whole rest of the file. The obvious thing to do is to use a mode that doesn't propagate errors - at least not too far.

This issue has been faced in the rsync world for compressed filesi n the past: If I try to minimize both byte transfers and space on the remote system by compressing files before sending them, any adaptive compression algorithm will tend to propagate a single-byte change to the end of the file, forcing a big transfer. The fix that's come be be accepted - it's part of all recent versions of gzip (--rsync- friendly option, or something like that) is to simply reset the compression tables every so often. (The actual algorithm is a bit more clever: It resets the algorithm whenever some number of bits of a rolling checksum match a constant. This allow resynchronization after insertions or deletions.)

Given this history, both murk (http://murk.sourceforge.net/) and rsyncrypto (http://sourceforge.net/projects/rsyncrypto/) seem to do the same basic thing: Use CBC, but regularly reset the IV. Neither project documents their actual algorithm; a quick look at the murk code suggests that it encrypts 8K blocks using CBC and an IV computed as the CRC of the block. There also seems to be some kind of authentication checksum done, but it's not entirely clear what.

So here we have it all: A new cryptographic mode, documented only in C code, being proposed for broad use with no analysis.

In any case, there are obvious, well-understood solutions here: Use counter mode, which propagates changes by a single block of the cryptosystem. Or use any other stream cipher mode. (An interesting question is whether there's a mode that will recover from insertions or deletions. Perhaps something like: Use counter mode. If two consecutive ciphertext bytes are 0, fill the rest of the ciphertext block with 0's, jump the counter by 65536, and insert a special block containing the new counter value.)
                                                       -- Jerry

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