Cryptography-Digest Digest #370, Volume #14      Thu, 17 May 01 00:13:01 EDT

  TC15 analysis (more) ("Tom St Denis")
  Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm) 
  Kernaugh maps (try #2) ("Tom St Denis")
  Re: Evidence Eliminator works great. Beware anybody who claims it  doesn't work 
(propaganda) (Vilchurn)
  Re: Karnaugh Maps (Adam Shiel)
  Re: Karnaugh Maps (Xcott Craver)
  Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm) ("Trevor L. 
Jackson, III")
  Re: Kernaugh maps (try #2) (Xcott Craver)
  Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm) ("Trevor L. 
Jackson, III")
  Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm) ("Trevor L. 
Jackson, III")
  Re: taking your PC in for repair? WARNING: What will they find? (P.Dulles)
  Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm) 
  Re: Evidence Eliminator works great. Beware anybody who claims it doesn't work 
(propaganda) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Kernaugh maps (try #2) ("Jeffrey Walton")
  Re: taking your PC in for repair? WARNING: What will they find? ("Ken D.")
  Re: taking your PC in for repair? WARNING: What will they find? ("Omnivore")
  Re: Kernaugh maps (try #2) (Jim Steuert)
  Evidence Eliminator --GET IT FREE (Nomen Nescio)


From: "Tom St Denis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TC15 analysis (more)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 00:37:49 GMT

It seems with the Noekeon sbox there are no 1R attacks with less than four
active sboxes... neato... time to make a new sbox for TC15.
Tom St Denis


Subject: Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm)
Date: 16 May 2001 20:41:35 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Herring) writes:

> Douglas A. Gwyn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Note: You don't have to actually shoot them; it's the fear
>> of being shot that has deterred many potential home invasions.
> If they didn't take place, how do you know?

Correlation between B&E rates and rate of concealed carry permits, for
one thing.


Frugal Tip #60:
Bounce some checks.


From: "Tom St Denis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernaugh maps (try #2)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:06:30 GMT

Ok yet again trying to learn this stuff. (btw I appreciate your help!)

I took the lsb of the Noekeon sbox (for no apparent reason at all...ho hum)
and made a 16-bit string which I then choped into four rows of four bits


       ab 00 01 11 10
cd   00| 01 00 00 00
       01| 00 00 00 01
       11| 01 01 00 01
       10| 01 01 00 01

(hopefully this shows up right)

Anyways the columns and rows are in "gray code" order...

btw a gray code is just "x = x^(x<<1)" right?


Now onto the Kernaugh maps.  What is the first step?  From what I gather you
draw bubbles around the groups of ones in rows or columns.  I note the
square at the bottom and the 3 run on the right..

Can someone list the steps you take todo this? I don't just want the

Please and thank you :-)



From: Vilchurn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Evidence Eliminator works great. Beware anybody who claims it  doesn't 
work (propaganda)
Reply-To: Vilchurn
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:30:46 GMT

On Wed, 16 May 2001 04:33:03 GMT, "Ken D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Beretta wrote:
>> On Tue, 15 May 2001 22:33:36 +0100, in you wrote:
>> >
>> >By now you will have witnessed the mass hysteria about Evidence Eliminator.
>> <snip>
>> V3.1   -      Name:  Snacker Serial: 1234567890-000084E21262
>> V3.1   -      Name: Snacker\MiSSiON Serial: 1234567890-0001EDC79005
>> V4.0   -      Name: Snacker\MiSSiON Serial: 1234567890-0001EDC79005
>> V4.5   -      Name: Hazard , Serial: Hazard-000063515895
>> V5.0  -       Code: EE10-44100004D012 (also allows upgrades)
>> You fags keep spamming, and I keep posting serial numbers to your software
>i hope these keys invoke their 'protection code'.
>i need a working example of that 'protection' to write my EE
>danger "demonstration" program.
And I am sending the spammers msg headers to their abuse service
provider to get them eventually tos'd


Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 20:54:45 -0500
From: Adam Shiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Karnaugh Maps


Another thing to look at is logic minimization using techniques
developed for the ASIC/FPGA world. For most bitsliced sboxes you're
dealing with four single bit outputs, and there might be some redundancy
between bits that you won't see looking at one bit at a time. Synopsys'
Design Compiler is a common (if expensive) tool used in the industry; 
your university may have some licenses. You could also look at the 
programs SIS and Espresso from UC-Berkeley.

Adam Shiel

Tom St Denis wrote:
> Ok here is my first attemp to optimizing a boolean decomposition .  This is
> the lsb of the TC15 sbox..
> dc   ba 00 01 10 11
> -----------------------------------------
> 00| 1  0  0  1
> 01| 0  1  1  0
> 10| 0  1  1  0
> 11| 0  1  1  0
> y = ~(abcd) | (~cd)ab | bcd | acd
> y = ~(cd)(~(ab) | ab) | bcd | acd
> y = ~(cd) | bcd | acd
> I have the bits backwards i.e ba instead of ab since my program outputs them
> that way.
> Can I optimize the last y statement any further?  (  | means or, ~ means
> not)
> --
> Tom St Denis
> ---


Subject: Re: Karnaugh Maps
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Xcott Craver)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 02:18:46 GMT

Tom St Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The original expression was
>y0 = a ^ b ^ (c&d)

        Yikes!  That's not the expression in your Karnaugh map.
        Yours depicts the expression

 y0 = a ^ b ^ ((~c)&(~d))

>Thanks for the reply,


From: "Trevor L. Jackson, III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 02:27:54 GMT


> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Herring) writes:
> > Douglas A. Gwyn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >> Note: You don't have to actually shoot them; it's the fear
> >> of being shot that has deterred many potential home invasions.
> >
> > If they didn't take place, how do you know?
> Correlation between B&E rates and rate of concealed carry permits, for
> one thing.

Prison interviews are quite convincing.  The single universal fear theives
have it not of being caught by the police, who have rules to follow, but
of being caught by an armed citizen, who is not bound by those strict
rules, is probably _really_ angry, and may have been waiting for such an
opportunity for years.


Subject: Re: Kernaugh maps (try #2)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Xcott Craver)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 02:35:06 GMT

Tom St Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ok yet again trying to learn this stuff. (btw I appreciate your help!)

|       ab| 00 01 11 10
|cd     00|  1  0  0  0
|       01|  0  0  0  1
|       11|  1  1  0  1
|       10|  1  1  0  1         [modified a tiny bit, for my screen]

> Now onto the Kernaugh maps.  What is the first step?  From what 
> I gather you draw bubbles around the groups of ones in rows or columns.  

        Yes, although only certain bubbles work.  
        You want bubbles whose dimensions are powers of 2 (1, 2, or 4),
        Hence a bubble covering 3 cells is verboten (to cover a row 
        of 3 cells, consider two overlapping bubbles of length two.)
        The larger the bubble the better, since larger bubbles yield 
        simpler terms.

        Bubbles can fall off the edge of the map and wrap around, 
        as if you're playing the dullest game of Asteroids on Earth.
        For instance, the digits in the 4 corners form a 2x2 square.
        Bubbles can  also overlap.  Minimizing the size of the expression
        involves minimizing both the number of bubbles, and maximizing
        their size.

> I note the square at the bottom and the 3 run on the right..

        OK, now note the other "square" consisting of 2 elements
        on the far bottom left and 2 elements on the far bottom
        right.  Each square is a 2-term expression:  c(~a) for
        the first one, and c(~b) for the second.

        So now you have two terms covering 6 of your 1's.
        To get the other two 1's, find the largest legal bubbles
        that contain them, and other 1s.  Each can be contained
        in a 1x2 bubble.

>Please and thank you :-)


From: "Trevor L. Jackson, III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 02:35:34 GMT

"SCOTT19U.ZIP_GUY" wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor L. Jackson, III) wrote in
> >Tim Tyler wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> : No wonder violent crime is up in the UK you can't shoot
> >> : the bastards that break into you own house. [...]
> >>
> >> I believe shooting someone for breaking and entering would
> >> itself be regarded as a violent crime in the UK.
> >
> >And in the U.S.  B&E, while a violent crime, does not rise to the level
> >of a threat of death or great bodily harm.  The only actions that
> >justify a potentially lethal response are rape, arson, a lethal threat
> >and their respective attempts.
> >
>    Actually it does. And having taken both by kids through the
> repquired California state hunter saftey classed. They even exaime
> the special laws of California where the law makes woman not only
> the equal of man but more equal.  For example a single woman in
> a house in california can kill any man who wonders in the house.
> The mans mere presence is sufficnet to assume the woman acted in
> self defense. There are many examples of this occuring in California
> so don't give me this shit it does justify a lethal response.
> If your a woman in Ca and a man is in your house it does rises to
> a lethal response. And California is more strict then many state
> I use to live.

CA hasn't been part of the US for several decades now.  I was most impressed
when the CA Division of Youth Services caught up with a mother who had
admitted to a nurse than her children had not been immunized, which in CA is
a form of child abuse/neglect.  They took her children and put them in
foster homes.  About six months later one of the twins was beaten to death
by the foster parent.  No, they still hadn't been immunized.

Berkeley apparently isn't even on the same planet.  They recently ruled the
city a non-military zone as a form of zero tolerance for violence.  I wonder
if SAC servicemen, "peace is our profession", are welcome?  It is my earnest
hope that the military of some other country seize Berkeley and hold it for
ransom.  Forever.

> I even rember the example given in class if you most
> shot a buglar in your house don't wound him. Kill him (or her) you
> far better off under the law if the bastrad is dead in your house
> than if you wound him and he makes it out the door.

This is false.  The most frequent resolution to these confrontations, and
definitely the optimal solution, is for the invader to flee.


From: "Trevor L. Jackson, III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 02:36:59 GMT

Darren New wrote:

> "Trevor L. Jackson, III" wrote:
> > And in the U.S.
> Actually, it depends on the state. Murder is a state crime, not a fedral
> crime.

Right.  And the standard applies in all 50 states.  Louisiana is the only
one that has a non-standard system of statutes, and the criteria are about
the same, just expressed differently.


From: P.Dulles <*@*.com>
Subject: Re: taking your PC in for repair? WARNING: What will they find?
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 22:46:57 -0400
Reply-To: *@*.com

In article <9dv1q1$gt0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>: Didn't you just say the exact same thing in another post?
>: I suppose a good lie bears repeating?

You really should quote there Omnivore, it gives us a clue as to what 
you may be referring to.

"Joan of Arc heard voices too!"


Subject: Re: ON-topic - UK crime statistics (was Re: Best, Strongest Algorithm)
Date: 17 May 2001 03:23:47 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor L. Jackson, III) wrote in

>"SCOTT19U.ZIP_GUY" wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor L. Jackson, III) wrote in
>> >Tim Tyler wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> : No wonder violent crime is up in the UK you can't shoot
>> >> : the bastards that break into you own house. [...]
>> >>
>> >> I believe shooting someone for breaking and entering would
>> >> itself be regarded as a violent crime in the UK.
>> >
>> >And in the U.S.  B&E, while a violent crime, does not rise to the
>> >level of a threat of death or great bodily harm.  The only actions
>> >that justify a potentially lethal response are rape, arson, a lethal
>> >threat and their respective attempts.
>> >
>>    Actually it does. And having taken both by kids through the
>> repquired California state hunter saftey classed. They even exaime
>> the special laws of California where the law makes woman not only
>> the equal of man but more equal.  For example a single woman in
>> a house in california can kill any man who wonders in the house.
>> The mans mere presence is sufficnet to assume the woman acted in
>> self defense. There are many examples of this occuring in California
>> so don't give me this shit it does justify a lethal response.
>> If your a woman in Ca and a man is in your house it does rises to
>> a lethal response. And California is more strict then many state
>> I use to live.
>CA hasn't been part of the US for several decades now.  I was most
>impressed when the CA Division of Youth Services caught up with a mother
>who had admitted to a nurse than her children had not been immunized,
>which in CA is a form of child abuse/neglect.  They took her children
>and put them in foster homes.  About six months later one of the twins
>was beaten to death by the foster parent.  No, they still hadn't been

  Your talking CA big cities which are nothing but human cess pools.
And they can take kids for no reason. But what does that have to do
with what this thread has become except that California is going down
the tubes.

>Berkeley apparently isn't even on the same planet.  They recently ruled
>the city a non-military zone as a form of zero tolerance for violence. 
>I wonder if SAC servicemen, "peace is our profession", are welcome?  It
>is my earnest hope that the military of some other country seize
>Berkeley and hold it for ransom.  Forever.

   Berkeley is a strange place. I tried to find the rape statistics
before my daughter went there. I could not. But my daughter had
all kinds of horrible rape stories of what occurs there. After she
got there. ALso you can smell the MJ as you go through the dorms
the police don't care about the drugs. I wonder how many kids can't
take the freedom berkeley allows. How many burn out on drugs there.
I doubt we can get an honest anwser.
>> I even rember the example given in class if you most
>> shot a buglar in your house don't wound him. Kill him (or her) you
>> far better off under the law if the bastrad is dead in your house
>> than if you wound him and he makes it out the door.
>This is false.  The most frequent resolution to these confrontations,
>and definitely the optimal solution, is for the invader to flee.

   No its not false. If you pull a gun on a buglar you should do it
as you pull the trigger, The same way a cop would. I have had many
disccussion with cops. I was a big poker player. They belived in
guns and stated if you need to pull one on an intruder in your house
you shoot right then. Only in the movies do idiots wait. I even
had a friend. Actully meet him at a gun dealer after the paper
wrote him up. He was alive today becasue that is exactly what he
did. You should not draw a gun unless you have to use it.

  I have had friends that have pulled guns and not used them.
A friend of mine comming from a shopping triap on Garlock road
was hassled by some punks in a car that cut him off they then tried
to force him in a ditch. He stuck has 45 out the window of car
and they hit the brakes. He belives he is alive today due to the
45. And would never travel long distance with out it.

  When I lived in California if an intruder broke in my house
if the dog didn't get him either I would or one of my kids.
I still belive the way my dad was rasied is best. Keep your
guns loaded and ready an empty gun never saved anyone.
On the farm the gun rack by the door. If a deer ran by you
could grab any one of them and have venision for dinner.
Funny thing back then few accidents. My own theoery is when
kids are not taught how to use them is when they get hurt.

David A. Scott
My website
My crypto code
MY Compression Page
**NOTE FOR EMAIL drop the roman "five" ***
Disclaimer:I am in no way responsible for any of the statements
 made in the above text. For all I know I might be drugged or
 No I'm not paranoid. You all think I'm paranoid, don't you!


Subject: Re: Evidence Eliminator works great. Beware anybody who claims it doesn't 
work (propaganda)
Date: 17 May 2001 03:22:17 GMT

>By now you will have witnessed the mass hysteria about Evidence Eliminator.
>Do you want to know why this is happening?
>You are witnessing "Dis-Information" (propaganda)
>Evidence Eliminator is a really easy-to-use one click program which is fully
>proven to defeat all forensic analysis software.

Evidence Eliminator really makes my life simpler.  I don't have to
bother buying forensic analysis software.  If I catch any employee
with Evidence Eliminator on their hard disk at work, I have them
fired.  It doesn't matter whether they are doing anything illegal
- they violated company policy by having unauthorized software on
company machines.  It makes things much simpler than trying to
decide what is and what isn't kiddie porn or copyright-infringement

>You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We can clean your hard
>drive so well that even the FBI-type software could not get evidence back
>from it.

Does Evidence Eliminator eliminate all evidence of Evidence Eliminator?
Either it doesn't or users aren't using it right.


Reply-To: "Jeffrey Walton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Jeffrey Walton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernaugh maps (try #2)
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 23:38:31 -0400


Here's how I would group them.  I omitted the row and column headers
(e.g., ab  00 01 10 11)
  | 1 | 0    0   0
   ---          ---
    0   0    0 | 1 |
   --------    |---|
  | 1   1  | 0 | 1 |
  |        |   |---|
  | 1   1  | 0 | 1 |
   -------      ---

A) Taking the quad is given (the four grouped at the lower left hand
side).  This is f = a'c.

B) The lone 1 at the upper left hand corner is combined (shared) with
the lower left 1 of the previously taken quad. (Remember, k-maps can
loop like this).  This is f = a'b'd'.

The three on the lower right hand side is two groups lying one over top
of the other:
| 1 |      ---
| 1 | AND | 1 |  <== shared by both
 ---      | 1 |

C) So, the upper pair is f = ab'd.
D) And the lower pair is f = ab'c.

Also note:  My choice of grouping with C) and D) we kind of arbitrary.
I had to take the upper group to get the 1 in at ab'c'd.  This left the
remaining 1 to be grouped with something, and I choose as shown above.
You could also group it with part of the quad and get the same result.

So, my final equation would be f = a'c + a'b'd' + ab'c + ab'd

BTW, Can you change the font on your news reader to a Fixed Font such as
Courier?  The response will look better (align properly).


"Tom St Denis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:quFM6.115149$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
: Ok yet again trying to learn this stuff. (btw I appreciate your help!)
: I took the lsb of the Noekeon sbox (for no apparent reason at all...ho
: and made a 16-bit string which I then choped into four rows of four
: each...
: 1000
: 0010
: 1110
: 1110
:        ab  00 01 11 10
: ----------------------------
: cd     00| 01 00 00 00
:        01| 00 00 00 01
:        11| 01 01 00 01
:        10| 01 01 00 01
: (hopefully this shows up right)
: Anyways the columns and rows are in "gray code" order...
: btw a gray code is just "x = x^(x<<1)" right?
: Anyways...
: Now onto the Kernaugh maps.  What is the first step?  From what I
gather you
: draw bubbles around the groups of ones in rows or columns.  I note the
: square at the bottom and the 3 run on the right..
: Can someone list the steps you take todo this? I don't just want the
: answer...
: Please and thank you :-)
: Tom


From: "Ken D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: taking your PC in for repair? WARNING: What will they find?
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 03:35:48 GMT

Omnivore wrote:
> They may find Evidence Eliminator and alert the authorities that one bears
> keeping an eye on.

how's this for a delightful conspiricy:

EE is being spammed around *by* the authorities.
they know its so weak, they want folks to use it :)

EE, the one most recommended by civil serpents!
buy now!



From: "Omnivore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: taking your PC in for repair? WARNING: What will they find?
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 20:38:09 -0700

"P.Dulles" <*@*.com> wrote in message
> In article <9dv1q1$gt0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >: Didn't you just say the exact same thing in another post?
> >: I suppose a good lie bears repeating?
> You really should quote there Omnivore, it gives us a clue as to what
> you may be referring to.

    Just pick an EE Support post at random. Odds are it would be what I
referred to. If not it is as much bullshit anyway.


From: Jim Steuert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernaugh maps (try #2)
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 23:43:36 -0400

About the gray code, yes. Also, a gray code is any walk of the
karnaugh map (except diagonal moves), because any rectangular
movement only changes 1 bit per move.
The reflective gray code is formed by reflection, as
in reflecting the 1-bit code  of  (0,1)
        0    0
        1    0
       1     1
       0     1

and then reflecting that 2-bit code of (00,10,11,01)

        0   0    0
        1   0    0
        1   1    0
        0   1    0
        0   1    1
        1   1    1
        1   0    1
        0   0    1

Tom St Denis wrote:

> Ok yet again trying to learn this stuff. (btw I appreciate your help!)
> I took the lsb of the Noekeon sbox (for no apparent reason at all...ho hum)
> and made a 16-bit string which I then choped into four rows of four bits
> each...
> 1000
> 0010
> 1110
> 1110
>        ab 00 01 11 10
> ----------------------------
> cd   00| 01 00 00 00
>        01| 00 00 00 01
>        11| 01 01 00 01
>        10| 01 01 00 01
> (hopefully this shows up right)
> Anyways the columns and rows are in "gray code" order...
> btw a gray code is just "x = x^(x<<1)" right?
> Anyways...
> Now onto the Kernaugh maps.  What is the first step?  From what I gather you
> draw bubbles around the groups of ones in rows or columns.  I note the
> square at the bottom and the 3 run on the right..
> Can someone list the steps you take todo this? I don't just want the
> answer...
> Please and thank you :-)
> Tom


From: Nomen Nescio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Evidence Eliminator --GET IT FREE
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 06:00:26 +0200 (CEST)

 I wouldn't pay shit for your program. I downloaded
it for free from then got the key generator from  

Get it for free everyone.



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End of Cryptography-Digest Digest

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