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Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:28:42 -0500
From: Michael Wellman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (CFP) ACM Conf. on E-Commerce

Bob Hettinga,

Thought you and your mailing list(s) might be interested.


Announcement and preliminary Call for Papers:

          ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC-99)

                      3-5 November 1999
                    Denver, Colorado, USA
                (at the same time as OOPSLA)

sponsored by: ACM Special Interest Group on E-Commerce (SIGecomm)

The first annual ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC-99) will feature
invited talks, panel discussions, and refereed paper presentations covering
all areas of electronic commerce.  Although a natural focus will be on
computer science issues, we expressly welcome technical research
contributions from economics, law, and other relevant disciplines.  Topics
within the scope of the conference include but are not limited to:

  Auction and negotiation technology
  Automated shopping and trading
  Commerce-oriented middleware services
  Computational markets for information services
  Cryptographic techniques and applications
  Economic analysis
  Formation of supply chains, coalitions, and virtual enterprises
  Intellectual property license management
  Languages for describing goods, services, and contracts
  Legal issues
  Marketing and advertising technology
  Network pricing and differential QoS
  Payment and exchange protocols
  Privacy issues
  Reputation and trust mechanisms and issues
  Security issues and methods
  Social implications
  Software requirements and architectures for e-commerce
  Visualization of market activity


Submitted papers will be evaluated on significance, originality, technical
quality, and exposition.  They should clearly establish the research
contribution, its relevance to electronic commerce, and its relation to
prior research.  Accepted papers will be presented at the conference, and
included in the published proceedings.  Submissions may be up to 6000
words, and may not have appeared before (or be pending) in a journal or
conference with published proceedings, nor may they be under review or
submitted to another forum during the EC-99 review process.  Electronic
submissions (in PDF or postscript format) are strongly preferred.  Papers
should be sent by 25 May 1999 to:


In addition, we request that a separate ASCII title page be sent to the
same address by the same date, including the title, author(s), contact
information, and abstract.


  25 May 99:  Electronic title pages due
  25 May 99:  Paper submissions due
  15 Jul 99:  Author notifications
   1 Sep 99:  Camera-ready copy due
   3 Nov 99:  Conference begins


General Chair:  Stuart Feldman, IBM
Program Chair:  Michael Wellman, Univ Michigan
Program Cmte:   Jack Breese, Microsoft
                Sverker Janson, SICS
                Manoj Kumar, IBM
                Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, Univ Michigan
                Pattie Maes, MIT
                Mark Manasse, Compaq
                Clifford Neuman, USC/ISI
                Noam Nisan, Hebrew Univ/IDC-Herzliya
                Andrew Odlyzko, AT&T Research
                Michael Reiter, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
                Tuomas Sandholm, Washington Univ
                Arie Segev, UC Berkeley
                Doug Tygar, UC Berkeley
                Jane Winn, SMU
                Yechiam Yemini, Columbia


Inquiries and requests to join the mailing list for further information may
be directed to:
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Philodox Financial Technology Evangelism <http://www.philodox.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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