Eli Brandt writes:

 > If so, doubling the cap size halves the cutoff frequency (right?),
 > halving the leaked power.  Integrating runs gives signal voltage
 > linear in n and noise voltage sqrt(n); voltage ratio is sqrt; power
 > ratio is linear.  So leaked-signal power is
 >         Theta( (attacker's number of runs) / (capacitor size) ).
 > No asymptotic edge either way; attacker wins against bounded cap size.
 > </handwave>

I don't quite understand your handwave analysis: if we use
supercapacitors we can power the embedded unit for hours straight. A
typical encryption round completes in milliseconds at best, I don't
see how microsecond spike demands can ever leak out regardless whether
we measure till the Big Crunch or the day after tomorrow.

Apart from such crude-but-effective countermeasures we haven't even
begun tackling lunatic fringe stuff like reversible computation.

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