Thanks to Cindy Cohn we offer the USG's motion yesterday
to delay en banc reargument in Bernstein:

A quote:

"The revisions being implemented by the Department of 
Commerce entail extensive changes in the existing terms 
of the encryption export regulations. At this time, the details 
of the revised regulations are under review. One of the 
subjects currently under review in connection with the policy 
update is the regulatory treatment of encryption source code. 
It is possible that the revised regulations will not materially 
change the treatment of source code. But it is also possible 
that the revised regulations will alter the treatment of source 
code in ways that could have a bearing on the constitutional 
issues before this Court.(1) 

(1) In connection with the announcement of the Administration's 
encryption policy update on September 16, the Department 
of Commerce issued a "question and answer" document
regarding the update that indicated, inter alia, that existing 
controls on the export of encryption source code would not
be changed. That document does not reflect the review that 
is currently taking place."

End quote.

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