At 9:20 AM +1000 10/20/99, Julian Assange wrote:
>Robert Hettinga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Evidently, there are only 500 in the first printing, but I bet Stefan
> > didn't give them *all* away. :-).
> >
> > I bet that if you put in a special order to Amazon with the ISBN and
> > the publisher in it, they'll manage to sell one to you on order. Upon
> > receiving a bunch of orders for the book from some place like Amazon,
> > if and when the publisher sells out, they'll probably print some
> > more, or at least make a deal to print it on this side of the pond.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > RAH
>Amazon only sells books distributed in the United States.

That's not quite true, as the US publishers of Harry Potter found 
out. You can easily order from England and 
Germany  Unfortunately, neither list 'Rethinking 
Public Key Infrastructures..."

Ponsen and Looijen have a web site  That's as far as I got.

Arnold Reinhold

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