Phil Karn wrote:

> So it appears that there is now a significant difference in the
> treatment of source code and object code, even object code compiled
> from open source already on the net. Am I correct?

Yes, it appears that you can post the source, can tell people
overseas how to compile the source, can even point to the binaries
once they're posted overseas... but you can't post those same binaries 
yourself without going through the tech review.

I suppose there could be two sorts of distributions, taking Linux as
an example; the distribution on the Internet, which might contain
links to the binaries in some archive outside of the U.S., and the
distribution on CD-ROM, which might have 'compile-as-you-go'
installation scripts as you suggested.

One twist is that the CD-ROM distribution is not unrestricted source code,
exactly; that is, it is sold in retail stores, and so it may fall under
a slightly different category. Even though it is exactly the same stuff 
that is posted on the Internet as unrestricted code. *sigh*


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