The DVD-CCA preliminary injunction has been granted in California.
Some helpful person scanned the images and placed them as .gif images at

Since the legality of .gif images is in doubt, and because .png images
are usually smaller than .gif images, I have placed png-converted
copies of these images at:

Please tell everyone you know to mirror a copy of these files.
Everyone should have a copy of this significant decision.  You can
mirror these files using:

    rsync -rtzp .
    wget -m -np

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

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