At 06:14 PM 1/25/00 -0000, Russell Nelson wrote:
>The problem with Steganography is that there's basically no way to
>clue people in to it's location without clueing everyone into it. 

Well, yeah, that's sorta the point.  To 'everyone' it looks
like a webcam from columbia; lots of people check it out,
daily.  (You'll get more visitors with chicks instead of
forests, though)  To the international shippers hidden in the crowds, the
pictures are the drop locations and new orders in the low order bits.

The only use of PK would be for the URL & stegotool identification, and
initial key exchange between folks who already knew each other, and had 
linked meat to keys, but didn't want to fly back to exchange
stego keys.  Better to do word of mouth: the crypto email will give your
social, er, business network away to a traffic watcher.


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