
It is fun to read
especially at the end, because if  "This isn't even small
potatoes; it's no more than sprouts."  -- then, while the
hassle, prison and fine?

The conclusion seems to be ... prove me wrong, go
to jail.  Of course, one may question a guy's right
to charge for advice that was not requested but
why should he provide it for free?

It seems to me this case calls for some reflection
on how security risks must not be handled.  In
fact, there should be a reward for those that find
holes in today's increasing electronic and "secure"
systems -- and do the right thing:

 ‘When you discover something very important, you
 cannot keep it for you. You have two ways to go:
 You can steal everything or you can do something
 commercial. I think I did the right thing."

 Serge Humpich
 'Smart card' programmer

But, maybe, not quite 'smart' today ;-)


Ed Gerck

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