Does anyone know a good advocacy page for crypto freedom in the UK? 
I'd like to comply with the following request.

Arnold Reinhold

>Subject: Cipher-Saber
>Hi there,
>I'm a comp-science student in the UK, and a friend of mine just e-mailed
>your page URL to me. I like it, and I'm just about to make a start on an
>rc4 prog but you also suggest that I write to my MP (member of
>parliment, probably roughly equivilent to your congressman) about crypto
>laws. I do vaguely remember some stupid parlimentary motion to enforce
>the use of cryptography with a back door that MI5 could use, but I have
>no idea what the current situation is in the UK. I figure that a lot of
>brits that visit your site may be even less aware of the issues than I
>Would it be possible for you to link to a site which covers such issues
>so that we know what to put in our various protest letters?

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