At 11:09 am -0500 2000-01-21, Duncan Frissell wrote:
>At 05:36 PM 1/19/00 -0800, Salzman, Noah wrote:
>>By the way... I suppose I should have warned everyone that the article
>>contains myriad errors... but, oh well, it captures the spirit of the
>>evening at least.
>The author might have started with spelling Phil's name right.
>That's one of the best-known errors in crypto reporting.

Yes, I'm sure we all noticed that, Duncan. Unfortunately for the
reporter, it's a sign of rank amateurism to not check simple things
like the spelling of names for people you're quoting.

It was a kindly article in spirit, but as noted by others. However,
beyond the kind tone, it was so horribly inaccurate in so many
directions, that it should not be recommended reading for anyone,

Most problematically, it completely misstated, both technically and
conceptually, the central event it was supposed to report on. A
layperson reading it would get the *horribly* wrong impression that
there was (or even still might be, for the timid) something "illegal"
about sending an encrypted MESSAGE to a foreign email address.

Sorry, but this takes the "clueless reporting" cake, kindly or not.


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