Brad kemp wrote:

>It was interesting to note that the judge stated that
>'DeCSS, or some version of it, contain programmer's comments, 
>"which are non-executable appendages to lines of executable code"...
>Such comments are protected by the First Amendment'
>Does this mean the it is legal to post the source code as long
>as it is comments?

For those who wish to see them the DeCSS programmer comments 
are Exhibit A of the Hoy Reply Declaration filed in the California case. 
Exhibit B of this declaration is the CSS code which was mistakenly 
filed as an open document and later sealed as the mistake was
publicized. This CSS code was improperly annotated as "DeCSS," 
which may have been one reason it was filed openly. For the
full declaration, as we've posted here previously:  (140K)

The original DeCSS, v1.2a, with comments (a few K in
size) is available at:

Don't even think of looking at what else is on the site or
you might get hit with an injunction.

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