At 09:56 AM 3/2/00 -0500, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>It is worth noting that some bans on running servers are based on technology,
>not the business model of the provider.  In IP over cable systems, there is
>much less bandwidth available upstream than downstream, and it's much more
>expensive to add more upstream bandwidth than it is to add downstream
>bandwidth.  If you run a server, you're chewing up a lot of capacity, and
>affecting your neighbors.
>But you're right, it's a real concern for users of Freenet (btw, isn't that a
>trademarked term?) -- I have the same problem as you do.

Seems the firewall restriction is more of a concern.  Anyone who cares 
about their PC's integrity and communication privacy should have a firewall 
for always-on connections.  In the next year or so look for many/most cable 
modems and DSL boxes to provide a firewall function or have it as an option.


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