[catching up...]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mon 03/13/00 at 09:18 PM -0800):

> Sounds just like another lame excuse to me. Pedophiles, terrorists,
> hackers, now it's Evil Euros, snatching up contracts using bribes. 
> Yawn. I'm surprised Janet Reno has this time nothing to say about this.

is there a canonical list of candidates for the four horsemen
of the infocalypse? i can see folding 'drug dealers' into the
'terrorist' category (just knock the 'narco-' off, they're all
building politcal-party front-ends anyway), but substituting
'europeans' for 'organized criminals' seems trickier.

maybe with advances in processing capability we'll develop new
systems capable of handling more complex data structures like
the Eight Horsemen Of The Apocalypse. it doesn't sound as good,
though--maybe we can fix it with an acronym: EHOTA-compliance.


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