Hope you will find this interesting.

Enjoy !



>Making up the rules: interception versus privacy.
>A dossier on digital wiretapping.
>The Dutch organizations Buro Jansen & Janssen and Eurowatch
>present their online dossier on digital wiretapping,
>focussing especially on developments in Europe and the
>Cyber crime, cyber terrorism and cyber warfare. These are
>three keywords in an ongoing effort of governments worldwide
>to enhance their digital wiretapping capabilities and
>counter the use of cryptography. "Making up the rules:
>interception versus privacy" discusses the efforts of the
>Council of Europe and the European Ministers of Justice and
>Home Affairs to harmonize their capabilities to wiretap the
>internet and facilitate cross-border law enforcement
>activities in Europe.
>The dossier covers issues like Echelon, law enforcement
>internet tapping, cryptography, Enfopol and the cyber crime
>treaty. The privacy of internet users is the price
>governments are willing to pay in an ongoing battle to make
>the internet ready for large-scale tapping.
>The dossier gives special attention to developments in The
>Netherlands, as it is the western country with the largest
>amount of taps per year according to a Dutch ministry of
>Justice report. In the march 2000 the Dutch national police
>division (KLPD) opened Europe's largest tapping facility
>capable of operating a 1000 simultaneous taps ranging from
>standard telephone lines to mobile telephony and the latest
>ICT technologies such as internet.
>"Making up the rules: interception versus privacy" can be
>found at:
>The dossier was made on the initiative of Bits of Freedom, a
>Dutch privacy and civil rights organization.

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