"Tipster" is the name I'm using for the voluntary payment scheme I 
posted to the coderpunks and cypherpunks lists (among others) a few 
weeks ago under the title "Kill the RIAA: a protocol."


Since that post, I've set up a weblog to track the development of the 
protocol and related voluntary payment issues, and just tonight I 
finished the first draft of the cryptographic protocol which enables 
Tipster's authenticated connection mechanism.

I would appreciate feedback.


Thanks in advance.

|Jeff Kandt         |  "When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf      |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   jvyy unir cevinpl!"  -Brad Templeton of ClariNet |
|[PGP Pub key: http://pgp.ai.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6CE51904 |
|              or send a message with the subject "send pgp key"]        |

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