On Fri,  1 Sep 2000 23:14:06 -0400 (EDT) Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ed Gerck writes:
>  > Even though the web-of-trust seems to be a pretty good part of PGP,
>  > IMO it is actually it's Achilles heel.
> Nope.  Usability is its Achilles heel.  PGP needs to be wrapped in
> something, and yet it's not really designed to be wrapped.  Even if it
> were, PGP, Inc. changed the interface!  Doh!  And then there's the
> whole encryption method problem.

What's wrong with the PGP wrappers for Outlook or Eudora? They looked quite
usable and user friendly to me - as far as any secure email product could ever
be completely be user friendly... The user has to do more stuff than usual, and
has to have some understanding of what is going on in order to judge whether
his/her security requirements have been met.


Jaap-Henk Hoepman             | Come sail your ships around me
Dept. of Computer Science     | And burn these bridges down
University of Twente          |       Nick Cave - "Ship Song"
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] === WWW: www.cs.utwente.nl/~hoepman
Phone: +31 53 4893795 === Secr: +31 53 4893770 === Fax: +31 53 4894590
PGP ID: 0xF52E26DD  Fingerprint: 1AED DDEB C7F1 DBB3  0556 4732 4217 ABEF

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