Quoting Marc Branchaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Anyone know if there's any truth to this?
>               Marc
> MANILA BULLETIN: http://www.mb.com.ph/INFO/2001-02/IT020201.asp
> Pinoy math enthusiast finds fast way to decode RSA encryption
> At 03-02-01 02:27, Marc Branchaud wrote:

After finding his e-mail adres, I just asked him :

Subject: [Fwd: Re: RSA Broken ??] 

Dear Barry Wels,

For your information and further discussion and scrutiny.
Here is a copy of my communication with Ron Rivest.

The format of the illustration below seems to have been modified by
my email software. 

Best regards,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: RSA Broken ??
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 06:59:11 +0800
To: Ron Rivest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Ron,

Thank you very much for the clarification and comprehensive explanation
of the
math concepts behind RSA.  I really appreciate the time you spend on

I just would like to get additional view and maybe some idea on
comparative speed
of the process I proposed of multiplying N by Y such that the product is
all bit 1 to
solve 2^X = 1 mod N.  This, I believe, is really a "NEW" approach to
find the
private key.  The "NEW" here is the Specific Use of 2 and
the Use of simple Add-Shift-Compare binary operations to find X.

To illustrate further:

Say N = 55 = 110111
By repeated addition and shifting, we arrive at Y = 19065 =

110111                 = bit 0 of Y = 1
110111                       = bit 3,2,1 of  Y = 100
110111                         = bit 4 of Y = 1
110111                           = bit 5 of Y = 1
110111                             = bit 6 of Y = 1
110111                                   = bit 9,8,7 of Y = 100
110111                                       = bit 11, 10 of Y = 10
110111                                            = bit 14,13,12 of Y =
11111111111111111111            = 20
bits of 1, so X = 20

I believe this is a very fundamental function of a computer (add, shift
and compare).
Therefore, I believe this is a lot faster than a multiplication or
division factoring
I just don't have any clue on how to compare this speed with "number
Although it seems like a factoring approach for N, the operation is
forward (addition)
one time (no trial and error).  So, I believe should be very fast.  My
estimate is at
= LOG(N,2) * 2 faster than division factoring.  To help me compare,
maybe, you can
give a clue on how fast is a "number sieve" approach compared with
simple division.

Again, thank you very much for your valuable time spent on this.  I
really appreciate it.

Best regards,

Ron Rivest wrote:

> Dear Leo --
> Thanks for the more detailed explanation of your approach to attacking
> RSA given in your emails (copied below).  For the reasons I will
> explain, and as you are perhaps aware, I think your approach is
> unlikely to work in practice against large RSA numbers.  It would be
> very premature or misleading to characterize RSA as "broken" based on
> your work to date.
> On the other hand, the strength of a cryptosystem can only be
> determined by subjecting it to extensive analysis and attack by all
> interested parties.  I encourage you (and others) to try and find a
> "shortcut" for breaking RSA faster than the known attacks (which also
> don't work in practice when the numbers are large).  Perhaps you will
> someday find an attack that works efficiently.  (Of course, I rather
> hope you won't, but I don't want to discourage you from trying!)
> Let's go through some of the math and complexity issues.
> To begin with, you note that there may be several exponents that
> work at decryption, and that the set of possible decryption exponents
> may depend on the message.  This is well-known.
> Let n = p*q, where p and q are prime.
> Let m be a "message", i.e. a number in the range 0 to n-1.
> For an arbitrary positive integer s and an integer r in the range
> 0 to s-1, define order(r,s) as the number of distinct values that
> occur in the sequence generated by r by multiplication:
>         r, r^2, r^3, ...
> (all modulo s).  Thus
>         order(2,5) = 4    as 2 generates the sequence 2,4,3,1,2,4,3,1,... 
(mod 5)
>         order(2,8) = 3    as 2 generates the sequence 2,4,1,2,4,1,... (mod 8)
>         order(3,6) = 1    as 3 generates the sequence 3,3,3,3,... (mod 6)
>         order(0,5) = 1    as 0 generates the sequence 0,0,0,... (mod 5)
> One can also call order(r,s) the order of the subgroup generated by r, modulo 
> (I note for the record here that this definition is a slight extension of
> the more usual one in that it covers the case that r is not relatively
> prime to s.)
> When r and s are relatively prime, we have
>         r^order(r,s) = 1 (modulo s)
> and order(r,s) is the least positive exponent for which this works.
> In any case we have that for any nonnegative integer k)
>         r^(1+k*order(r,s)) = r (modulo s)
> and (1+k*order(r,s)) are the only exponents for which this works.
> Thus, for a message m modulo n, we have that
>         m^(1+k*order(m,n)) = m  (mod n)
> for all nonnegative integers k.
> For RSA encryption/decryption to work with message m, we need that
>         c^d = m (mod n)
> where c is the ciphertext
>         c = m^e (mod n)
> In other words, we need that
>         m^(ed) = m (mod n)
> So it must be the case that
>         ed = 1 + k*order(m,n)
> for some nonnegative integer k.
> What values can order(m,n) have?
> It is known that when p is prime
>         order(m,p)
> must be a divisor of p-1, and that for any divisor v of p-1
> there is some message m such that order(m,p) = v.  More
> precisely, the number of messages m modulo p such that
> order(m,p) = v is precisely equal to phi(v) when v>1, and
> equal to 2 when v=1, where phi(v) is the Euler totient
> function of v (the number of positive integers less than v that
> are relatively prime to v).  When v=1, the elements 0 and 1
> both have order(0,p)=order(1,p)=1.
> In the interesting case that p is a Sophie-Germain prime, so that
> p = 2p'+1, where p' is also prime, then
>         p-1 = 2p'
> and all elements have order 1, 2, p' or 2p'.  Furthermore
>         2 elements have order 1      (these are 0 and 1)
>         1 element has order 2        (this is p-1, i.e. -1 mod p)
>         p'-1 elements have order p'
>         p'-1 elements have order 2p'
> so all but the three elements 0, 1, and -1 (which have the obvious
> orders 1, 1, and 2) have order divisible by p'.  It is often
> recommended that users of RSA use such primes.
> Now for RSA, when n = pq, we have
>         order(m,n) = lcm(order(m,p),order(m,q))
> where lcm(a,b) = ab/gcd(a,b) = the least common multiple of a and b.
> In the case that p and q are Sophie-Germain, p=2p'+1, q=2q'+1, where
> p' and q' are prime, then the possible values of
>         order(m,n)
> are
>         1
>         2
>         p'
>         2p'
>         q'
>         2q'
>         p'q'
>         2p'q'
> There are four elements of order 1 and eight elements of order 2.  All
> other orders have order divisible by p' or q', and so are large and very
> hard to find without knowing p or q.
> To find a decryption exponent d that works for a message m, we can
> pick and d satisfying
>         ed = 1 + k*order(m,n)
> as noted above. This is equivalent to:
>         d = e^{-1} mod(order(m,n))                              (*)
> Given the possible variation in the values of order(m,n) and the possible
> variation in the choice of k above, we see that there can be variation in
> decryption exponents that work.
> However, if we want to choose a decryption exponent that works for *all*
> messages m, then we need to use the fact that
>         order(m,n) is a divisor of lcm(p-1,q-1)
> and that all such orders are possible.  Denote
>         lambda(n) = lcm(p-1,q-1)
> Then if we solve the equation
>         d = e^{-1} mod (lambda(n))                              (**)
> we get a result that satisfies (*) for all messages m. This is the usual
> procedure.  It is also the case that solving
>         d = e^{-1} mod (phi(n))
> where
>         phi(n) = (p-1)*(q-1)
> will give a solution that also satisfies (**) and thus satisfies (*)
> for all m.  Working mod lambda(n) can save a little bit over working modulo
> n, but typically not much, since gcd(p-1,q-1) is typically small.
> This explains your observation that there may be several decryption
> exponents that work, and that even some decryption exponents work for
> some messages and not for others.  In the case of large Sophie-Germain
> primes, however, almost all (all but approximately p+q) messages will
> have order(m,n) divisible by p'q', and the set of decryption exponents
> that "work" for m will satisfy
>         e*d = 1 (mod p'q').
> Now, on to your proposed attack method, which is, as you note, not so
> efficient for a large n.  I would like to argue here that your method
> is not likely to be efficient, given the state of the art.
> You propose first finding an x such that
>         2^x = 1 (mod n)                                         (***)
> and then proceeding from there.
> ** This is a "known hard problem" with no good solutions known, even
> ** though many have tried.  It is known as the "discrete logarithm problem"
> ** and appears to be just as hard as factoring the modulus n.
> Using the above notation, we must have that x is a multiple of order(2,n)
> for (***) to hold.  In the case that p and q are Sophie Germain, this
> means that you are finding p'q' or a small multiple of p'q'.  Suppose that
> you actually found p'q' this way.  Then of course
>         n = pq = (2p'+1)(2q'+1) = 4p'q' + 2p' + 2q' + 1
> so you could then compute
>         (n - 4p'q' - 1)/2 = p'+q'
> Now, given the product p'q' of p' and q', and the sum p'+q' of p' and q',
> it is easy to compute p' and q' separately.  This means you have factored n,
> since p and q are 2p'+1 and 2q'+1.
> Thus, in order to get started on your attack method, you need to solve
> the discrete logarithm problem, which is believed to be hard, and is
> likely to lead (as you see) to a factorization of n.  Indeed, it is
> known that finding any multiple of lambda(n) can lead to a
> factorization of n, so that you really are doing nothing more than
> proposing factoring n as a way of getting started on breaking RSA.
> The "usual division approach" for factoring n that you mention is of course
> not the best approach to factoring n, and not what you should be considering
> as a "competitor" to your approach.  Indeed the "number field sieve" and its
> generalizations can factor a number n in time
>         exp(c (ln n)^(1/3) (ln ln n)^(2/3)
> where c = 1.92 and ln(x) is the natural logarithm of x.  This is *much* faster
> than trial division, but is not fast enough to allow factorization of
> 1000-4000 bit numbers...
> While you thought you were attempting some "new" way of attacking RSA,
> the method you propose is in fact equivalent to the "old" way of
> attacking RSA: factoring the modulus n.  There doesn't seem to be any
> new leverage you are getting by thinking about the problem in the way
> you propose.  There is no reason to think that finding an x which is a
> multiple of order(2,n) is any easier than directly finding the factors
> p and q of n.  (Indeed, order(2,n) must be divisible by p'q' in the case
> that p and q are Sophie-Germain...)
> So, I hope this helps you think more clearly about the issues raised
> in your proposed attack.
> There are many good references for this sort of thing;
> one of my favorites is:
> book{Pomerance90,
> editor =       {Carl Pomerance},
> title =        {Proc.\ of the {AMS} Symposia in Applied Mathematics:
>                Computational Number Theory and Cryptography},
> publisher =    {American Mathematical Society},
> year =         {1990}
> }
> I think it is still in print.
> Some minor notes:  I think properly when p=2p'+1 we should call p'
> the Sophie-Germain prime and not p.  And the sort of reasoning applied
> above using Sophie-Germain primes is a good guide for you, but the
> arguments against your approach would apply in any case, as long as
> p-1 and q-1 have large prime factors (which they are likely to do in
> general, even if p and q are chosen essentially at random).
>         Cheers,
>         Ron Rivest
> ==============================================================================
> To: Ron Rivest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Leo de Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: "RSA Broken" ??
> Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 16:16:42 +0800
> X-Originating-Host: cache3.mydestiny.net []; Sat, 3 Feb 2001 
08:19:10 GMT
> X-Browser: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; I), JavaScript: On
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Dear Ron,
> I was surprised by the article because my agreement with Edu Lopez
> over the phone was that I will email him the explanation
> after i discuss the findings with you. Anyway, without the knowledge
> of this press report, I sent you this morning the approach
> that I am looking at.
> It was basically finding X such that 2^X = 1 mod N
> After the hard part above,
> then, finding Y such that X * Y = 1 mod E  (using extended euclidian
> algorithm)
> and then, finding D = ( X * Y + 1 ) / E
> As I have said before, D is not necessarily equal to private key
> (d).  This means, other keys can decipher the code.  The
> decoding may not be 100% but based on my few tests, it is above 80%.
> Another thing is X is a factor of (p-1)(q-1).  It is at
> least one half but usually one fourth or one sixth or one eight.
> This means that the true private key can be calculated easily by
> multiplying X by two's and three's.
> I also stated in my email this morning that I am investigating two
> approaches to find the X in 2^X = 1 mod N.
> One is using the Linear Feedback bit Shift Register.
> The intention is to find a number Z such that Z * N = all binary
> bits are equal to 1.  This is done by repeated addition of binary
> code of N to N while moving the addend to the left such that the
> bit 1 of addend is in line with the 0 bit of the partial sum.  The
> number Z is the decimal representation of the shifting of the addend.
> Then Z*N + 1 is a perfect log witch is the number of
> resulting binary digits.  This is now the X that I am looking for.
> As I have said, the number of operations involved is in the order
> of 2^N / 5.  Even though each operation is very fast because it
> is binary and simple, the number of operations is enourmous.  But
> it will still be faster by about = 2 * LOG(N,2) versus a
> simple division factorization.
> The other approach is to use the LOG(N,2)
> Starting from the Square(integer(square root of N)) and going down
> by jumps of LOG(N,2).  The work can be broken up to
> different computers.
> The intention again is to find  2^X = 1 mod N but the testing of
> X is in jumps of LOG(N,2).  Once 2^X mod N is equal to a
> discrete LOG of 2, (2^X = 2^y mod N), then we just subtract y from
> X to find the usuable X that will give 2^X = 1 mod N.
> This will increase the speed of factorization by at least LOG(N,2)
> times versus normal division factorization approach.
> Then, by using the similar formula above, D can be calculated very
> fast and again D is not necessarily equal to the private key
> (d).  As mentioned, it implies that other key can read the coded
> message but not 100%.
> When I sent you my previous emails, I was still hoping that the extended
> euclidian algorithm will allow me to approach a good
> candidate for X which is a factor of (p-1)(q-1).  However, as I use
> bigger numbers, the number of iterations became larger.
> The second approace was just a more stable replacement to that.
> I am sure there is a faster way to find 2^X = 1 mod N out there and
> I would appreciate if you can help me on this.  What I
> believe I can claim as mine is the 2^X = 1 mod N approach to find
> d and in so doing, finding also D that can replace d at least
> 80% of the time.  The serious implication is that the private key
> is not unique at least for 80% of the messages.
> Best regards,
> Leo de Velez
> At Friday, 2 February 2001, you wrote:
> >Hello again Leo --
> >
> >I heard from a colleague that you have "gone public" with your claim
> >to have a technique for decoding RSA ciphertexts (the information I
> >received is copied below for your information).
> >
> >It is curious to compare the situation here with similar claims that I
> >received from a mathematician in Japan.  Fortunately for him, he made
> >the details of his proposed method available to me before going public
> >with his conjectured claim, and I was able to explain the error in his
> >thinking to him before he "went public"...
> >
> >Perhaps you really do have a new technique here. If so, there are many
> >people (including myself) who would be interested to see you provide
> >some justification for your claims.  Unfortunately, researchers in the
> >field have seen all too many such claims evaporate when the details
> >are made public.  (Perhaps you recall, for example, the claims made by
> >the Irish teenager Sarah Flannery a couple of years ago that received
> >so much press attention.)  So mere claims have little credibility
> >until they are backed up by publication of the details and review by
> >others in the field.
> >
> >So, let me encourage you to proceed down the path you have started,
> >and make public or post the details of what you think you can do.  (If
> >you prefer, I can look them over for you before you publish, but of
> >course this is your show and you might just want to publish or post
> >what you have.)  If you would like a "challenge example" to work on, I
> >could generate one.  (How large would you like it to be?)
> >
> >Your note to me earlier implied that you could thought you decrypt a
> >significant fraction of the ciphertexts, but perhaps not all.  Are you
> >aware that the multiplicative properties of RSA then would imply that
> >you could decrypt any ciphertext in polynomial expected time?  (To
> >decrypt ciphertext c, generate a random plaintext/ciphertext pair
> >(p',c') using the public key, and decrypt c*c' with your technique,
> >then divide the result by e' to obtain the desired ciphertext p
> >corresponding to the target ciphertext c. Repeat as necessary.)
> >
> >Anyway, I look forward to hearing more.  I encourage you to publish
> >what you have and take your congratulations or lumps, as
> >appropriate...  Of course, please keep me informed of what you do, and
> >feel free to contact me with details if you want feedback directly
> >from me...  And don't be too embarassed if the details don't actually
> >work out in the end--you wouldn't be the first.  The truth will win
> >out in the end, for all of us...
> >
> >       Cheers,
> >       Ron Rivest
> >
> >http://www.mb.com.ph/INFO/2001-02/IT020201.asp
> >
> >Friday, 2 February 2001
> >Pinoy math enthusiast finds fast way to decode RSA encryption
> >A Filipino mathematics enthusiast has developed a new method of
> decoding RSA
> >(RivestShamir-Adleman) encryption using three simple formulas.
> >
> >Leo de Velez has discovered these three formulas are simple forward
> >equations that allow fast decoding of RSA encryption.
> >
> >RSA is an Internet encryption and authentication system that uses an
> >algorithm developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard
> Adleman.
> >
> >The RSA algorithm is the most commonly used encryption and authentication
> >algorithm and is included as part of the Web browser from Netscape and
> >Microsoft.
> >
> >It's also part of Lotus Notes, Intuit's Quicken, and many other
> products.
> >The encryption system is owned by RSA Security. The company licenses
> the
> >algorithm technologies and also sells development kits.
> >
> >The technologies are part of existing or proposed Web, Internet, and
> >computing standards.
> >
> >Here's how the RSA system works. The mathematical details of the
> algorithm
> >used in obtaining the public and private keys are available at the
> RSA Web
> >site.
> >
> >Briefly, the algorithm involves multiplying two large prime numbers
> (a prime
> >number is a number divisible only by that number and through additional
> >operations deriving a set of two numbers that constitutes the public
> key and
> >another set that is the private key.
> >
> >Once the keys have been developed, the original prime numbers are
> no longer
> >important and can be discarded.
> >
> >Both the public and the private keys are needed for encryption/decryption
> >but only the owner of a private key ever needs to know it.
> >
> >Using the RSA system, the private key never needs to be sent across the
> >Internet. The private key is used to decrypt text that has been
> encrypted
> >with the public key.
> >
> >Thus, if I send you a message, I can find out your public key (but
> not your
> >private key) from a central administrator and encrypt a message
> to you using
> >your public key.
> >
> >When you receive it, you decrypt it with your private key. In addition
> to
> >encrypting messages (which ensures privacy), you can authenticate
> yourself
> >to me (so I know that it is really you who sent the message) by
> using your
> >private key to encrypt a digital certificate. When I receive it,
> I can use
> >your public key to decrypt it.
> >
> Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2001 12:07:59 +0800
> From: "leo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Ron Rivest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: new way to decrypt RSA code
> X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> X-Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dear Ron,
> The solution to 2^D = 1 mod N
> There are two approaches that I am looking at.
> The first is to multiply the binary code of N with another number so
> that the result will all be binary 1.  This means adding the binary code
> of N while shifting to the left.  This will give a number and add 1 will
> give a power of 2 (log base 2 is discrete).  The discrete log is a
> factor of (p-1)(q-1).  At least one half, usually one forth, one sixth,
> or one eighth of (p1-)(q-1).
> For N=55 = 110111
> Multiple = 19065 = 100101001111001
> Although the operation is simple and fast (add and shift), the number of
> operation is in the order of 2^N / 5 .  The operation is also not easy
> to distribute.
> Another approach is to use the log N base 2.
> Using Nroot = [sqr(int(sqrtN))] and Ndelta = [N-sqr(int(sqrtN))]
> and L = int(LOG(N,2))
> i=1
> Starting point  X = Nroot - i * Ndelta
>      j = 0 to Ndelta/LOG(N,2)
>      Y = X + j * L
>      Calculate Z = LOG((MOD((2^Y),N),2)
>      If Z is discrete, the D = Y - Z  (check 2^D = 1 mod N)
> i=2 (another computer doing this)
> Starting point  X = Nroot - i * Ndelta
>      j = 0 to Ndelta/LOG(N,2)
>      Y = X + j * L
>      Calculate Z = LOG((MOD((2^Y),N),2)
>      If Z is discrete, the D = Y - Z  (check 2^D = 1 mod N)
> i= up to int(N/Ndelta) (another computer doing this)
> Starting point  X = Nroot - i * Ndelta
>      j = 0 to Ndelta/LOG(N,2)
>      Y = X + j * L
>      Calculate Z = LOG((MOD((2^Y),N),2)
>      If Z is discrete, the D = Y - Z  (check 2^D = 1 mod N)
> I would appreciate if you can share with me a faster way of finding
> 2^D = 1 mod N
> Best regards,
> Leo
> -----Original Message----
> From: Ron Rivest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 00:49:09 -0500
> Subject: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: new way to decrypt
> RSA code]]
> > Support TEAMMAIL. Be a Panelist in our Surveys.  Email to
> >
> >
> > I don't understand your explanation at all.  What is y? What is x?
> >
> > Maybe you could explain how it works on the following example?
> >       n = 55
> >       e = 3
> >       ciphertext = 2
> >
> > Thanks...
> >
> >       Thanks,
> >       Ron Rivest
> >
> > ------- Start of forwarded message -------
> > Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 13:44:03 +0800
> > From: "leo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Ron Rivest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: new way to decrypt RSA code]
> > X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > X-Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Dear Ron Rivest,
> >
> > Thank you for your reply.
> >
> > The first and second equations are similar to the equation used to
> > calculate the secret key d from e and (p-1)(q-1).  One difference is
> > they do not need (p-1)(q-1).
> >
> > And the third equation is a simple z= y/x, where z is the secret
> > code.
> > BUT z is not necessarily equal to d.  This means secret codes are not
> > unique.
> >
> > I'm only using a pentium 100 laptop and an excel software to decipher
> > secret key of N (value only up to 10^8).  Its fast and instant.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Leo de Velez
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ron Rivest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 21:39:30 -0500
> > Subject: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: new way to decrypt RSA code]
> >
> > > Support TEAMMAIL. Be a Panelist in our Surveys.  Email to
> > >
> > >
> > > I'd be curious to hear more---how does your method work??
> > >
> > >     Ron Rivest
> > >
> > >
> > > ------- Start of forwarded message -------
> > > From: "teammail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: new way to decrypt RSA code
> > > Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 17:02:41 +0800
> > > Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> > >     boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0007_01C08302.CCE16270"
> > > X-Priority: 3
> > > X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> > > X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400
> > > X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > X-Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > >
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> > > Content-Type: text/plain;
> > >     charset="iso-8859-1"
> > > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> > >
> > > Im Leo de Velez residing at 26B Prudent Lane, Sanville Subd, Quezon
> > =
> > > City, Philippines=20
> > > with phone number 63-917-532-9297.  Im a math enthusiast and i
> > found
> > > a =
> > > new way to=20
> > > decrypt RSA encryption.  The process involved three simple
> > formulas.
> > > I =
> > > have tried it=20
> > > on small values of N and it worked well and fast.  It basically
> > > exploits =
> > > the=20
> > > non-primeness of (p-1)(q-1).  Using one of its factors, the secret
> > > key =
> > > can be calculated=20
> > > (forward direction).=20
> > >
> > > - ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C08302.CCE16270
> > > Content-Type: text/html;
> > >     charset="iso-8859-1"
> > > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> > >
> > > <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> > > <HTML><HEAD>
> > > <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
> > > charset=3Diso-8859-1">
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> > > </HEAD>
> > > <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
> > > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>
> > > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Im Leo de Velez residing at 26B
> > > Prudent =
> > > Lane,=20
> > > Sanville Subd, Quezon City, Philippines <BR>with phone number=20
> > > 63-917-532-9297.  Im a math enthusiast and i found a new way to
> > > =
> > > <BR>decrypt=20
> > > RSA encryption.  The process involved three simple
> > > formulas.  =
> > > I have=20
> > > tried it <BR>on small values of N and it worked well and fast.
> > > It=20
> > > basically exploits the <BR>non-primeness of (p-1)(q-1).  Using
> > > one =
> > > of its=20
> > > factors, the secret key can be calculated <BR>(forward
> > direction).=20
> > > </FONT></DIV></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
> > >
> > > - ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C08302.CCE16270--
> > > ------- End of forwarded message -------
> > ------- End of forwarded message 

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