>From: John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 30, 2004 6:25 PM
>Subject: Re: Linux-based wireless mesh suite adds crypto engine support 

>Crypto hardware that does algorithms can be tested by periodically
>comparing its results to a software implementation.  Production
>applications should probably be doing this -- maybe 1% of the time.

I think the need for interoperability constrains the ability for a crypto module to 
implement some weak algorithm in place of AES or 3DES.  Unless the designer can know 
which encrypted messages have to be handled by someone else's non-hacked module, he 
can't safely do this.  

>Crypto hardware that generates "random" numbers can't be tested in
>production in many useful ways.  My suggestion would be to XOR a
>hardware-generated and a software-generated random number stream.  If
>one fails, whether by accident, malice, or design, the other will
>still randomize the resulting stream.  Belt AND suspenders will keep
>your source of randomness from being your weakest link.

I'll note that this is supported two separate ways in the (in progress) X9.82 

a.  A standard way to produce a random bit generator with a guaranteed fallback to 
computational security is to XOR  the outputs of some good hardware generator with the 
outputs of a crypto PRNG (aka DRBG in X9.82-ese).  

b.  Any approved random bit generator can always be combined with an unapproved 
generator by XORing.  The only security requirement here is that the unapproved 
generator be independent of the approved one.

All that said, though, it's far from clear how you monitor this in the standard crypto 
environment, since you usually take great pains to make it hard for anyone to get key 
material out of the tamper-resistant modules.  You provide the random value to XOR 
into the RNG output, and the module says "Thanks, I XORed it in.  Trust me."  Or, you 
demand the random value from its RNG, XOR in your own, but now, you've exposed the key 
outside the tamper-resistant module, which introduces a whole different set of 
problems.  I'm sure there are some clever crypto protocol ways to address this 
(basically, do a zero-knowledge proof of the value of the random number you used in 
deriving the key), but I have a hard time thinking this is at all practical....

>       John

--John Kelsey

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