Adam Shostack wrote:
On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 07:41:36PM +0200, Amir Herzberg wrote:
| Want to see a simple, working method to spoof sites, fooling | Mozilla/FireFox/... , even with an SSL certificate and `lock`?
| |
| | See also:
| |
| | Want to protect your Mozilla/FireFox from such attacks? Install our | TrustBar:
| (this was the first time that I had a real reason to click the `I don't | trust this authority` button...)
| | Opinions?

Just because you can demonstrate that you're pre-emptively and
pro-actively blocking attacks that the beat the current system doesn't
mean ....

I can't go on. My head would explode.
No need to. I quite agree and certainly didn't claim that this (the fact TrustBar helps against this attack) is proof of TrustBar's value; after all I've been arguing for its value way before... It is just that this attack exactly highlights our claims about the need to improve visibility and in particular to make the CA a `brand` known to end user.

Have you run end-user testing to demonstrate the user-acceptability of Trustbar?
So far, I'm afraid we've done only `dry` surveys (which gave good indications, but I completely agree with you again, that they are insufficient). We want to do end-user testing and hope to do it, but we - Ahmad and me - have very limited resources (including time), and this is a big task. In particular, I really can't drop all of my other research and do just this... Which is exactly why I seek help from you and the others in this (and other) forums... I don't think this is only our business, after all.

Best, Amir

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