On Wednesday 08 June 2005 21:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yes, encrypting indexed columns for example is a problem.  But if you
> limit yourself to encrypting sensitive information (I'm talking about
> stuff like SIN, bank account numbers, data that serves as an index to
> external databases and are sensitive with respect to identity theft),
> these sensitive information should not be the bases of searches.
> If they are not he basis of searches, there will be no performance
> problems related to encrypting them.

I can name at least one obvious case where "sensitive" data -- namely credit 
card numbers -- is in fact something you want to search on: credit card 
billing companies like CCbill and iBill.  Without the ability to search by 
CC#, customers are pretty screwed.

That said, I will never buy the "only encrypt sensitive data" argument.  In my 
experience, you *always* end up leaking something that way.

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