A brief altercation this evening with CERT over the recent hyperthread caching issues has brought something that's been simmering at the back of my brain to the forefront.

The recent hyperthread/cache key recovery trick, followed by DJB's related (IMO) symmetric key recovery, and preceded by the RSA timing attacks (Boneh et al?) are all examples of attacks on the same thing: optimisation.

The problem is that if different paths through your code expose different availability of optimisation, then there's a timing attack available. I predict, for example, that someone will find a way to attack something using pipeline breaks on Pentium processors[1].

How do we fix this? Well, its easy to say: we make everything equally crap - we make sure that all operations are as slow as the slowest possible variant can be. However, on a modern processor, this is _very_ hard to do.

Could it be that for safe crypto we should be using Z80s?



[1] For those who don't know, even old Pentia have several different processing units internally, which run in parallel. They can even tell when instructions in one's pipeline conflict with another's (e.g. one uses a register as input that another is going to change, but hasn't yet), and delay processing appropriately. However, sometimes they can't work it out (this is, of course, another optimisation, this time for transistor count) and so they just throw their hands up, stop all the pipelines and start again. This causes a _substantial_ delay, easily measurable - I know of loops of tens of instructions that go twice as fast if apparently redundant - but pipeline-intelligence-informing - instructions are inserted. Of course, the PowerPCs with their speculative execution are probably even more fun in this respect (do they still do that?).

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