"Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Oh, and what companies are involved? The card is Fidelity branded, but
> it is really an MBNA production, with online marketing and card
> servicing (like this piece) being done by Individualized BankCard
> Services. One would think that everyone in question would know better,
> but sadly they don't.

I got a very nice communication from a person at Fidelity Investments
wanting to make sure that this was from the (unrelated) Fidelity Bank,
and not something that they had done. It is indeed a Fidelity *Bank*
branded credit card, not a Fidelity *Investments* card. The two
organizations are entirely unrelated and just happen to share a name.

For the record, the guys at Fidelity Investments have always seemed to
me to have their act together on security, unlike lots of other
places. They have excellent FAQs for their users on what is and what
is not safe to do in a web browser, they only allow logins from pages
that are downloaded with SSL, etc. The fact that someone there was
worried when I sent out my mail and got in touch with me to check
only confirms for me the feeling that they seem to try hard to do
their jobs right...


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