
This is just a reminder that the NIST hash workshop (Oct
31-Nov 1 of this year) is still taking submitted talks,
abstracts, etc., until July 15.  There are no proceedings,
so there should not be any problem publishing things that
you discuss at this workshop.  A major goal of doing this is
to get people to discuss interesting ongoing work so we can
understand it now, rather than after we've made decisions
about how to react to all the excitement in the hash
function world.  (For what it's worth, I plan on presenting
some new hash function results with Yoshi Kohno that we
intend to publish somewhere else.  I expect we'll post these
on the ECRYPT server before that.)

This workshop is going to have a big impact on decisions
like whether we should do some AES-like process to get a new
hash function standard, whether we should try to standardize
on some additional algorithms (like Whirlpool or the Russian
standard GOST hash function), etc.  Taking part is a great
opportunity to influence those decisions.  If you have
something new to say about hash functions, or something old
that should be repeated, send us some slides, or at least an
extended abstract, and we'll see whether we can fit you onto
the agenda for some discussion time.  

--John Kelsey, NIST, July 2005

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