John Denker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My point here is that knowing who I am shouldn't be a
> crime, nor should it contribute to enabling any crime.
> Suppose you know who I am.  Suppose you know my date of
> birth, social security number, and great-great-grandmother's
> maiden name.  As Spike said, so what?

I tend to agree. It is equally ridiculous to use a credit card account
number as the "secret" to authorize a transaction, since that "secret"
has to be given out several times a day.

> It's only a problem if somebody uses that _identifying_
> information to spoof the _authorization_ for some
> transaction.


> And that is precisely where the problem lies.  Any
> system that lets _identification_ serve as _authorization_
> is so incredibly broken that it is hard to even discuss
> it.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Again, yes.

However, I would like to make one small subtle point. In fact, what
you are complaining about is not the use of identification for
authorization -- that is a totally separate and equally sad discussion
-- but the use of widely known pieces of information about
someone to identify them. The issue is that the bank pretends only you
would know your mother's maiden name, not that the bank would only let
you withdraw funds. A piece of information that is not widely known
but which can be used to establish your identity -- such as a private
key only you should know -- is probably fine.

So, rephrasing, the problem is not that secret information isn't a
fine way to establish trust -- it is the pretense that SSNs, your
mom's birth name or even credit card numbers can be kept secret.

> Identifying information cannot be kept secret.

I'd amend that to "things like your name, your SSN or your account
numbers cannot be kept secret..."

> There's no point in trying to keep it secret.  Getting a new SSN
> because the old one is no longer secret is like bleeding with
> leeches to cure scurvy ... it's completely the wrong approach.  The
> only thing that makes any sense is to make sure that all relevant
> systems recognize the difference between identification and
> authorization.

I have to agree yet again (with my caveats about the terminology you
are using).

This is yet more reason why I propose that you authorize transactions
with public keys and not with the use of identity information. The
identity information is widely available and passes through too many
hands to be considered "secret" in any way, but a key on a token never
will pass through anyone's hands under ordinary circumstances.


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