On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> We already have the term "snake oil" for a very different type of bad
> security idea, and the term has proven valuable for quashing such
> things. We need a term for this sort of thing -- the steel tamper
> resistant lock added to the tissue paper door on the wrong vault
> entirely, at great expense, by a brilliant mind that does not
> understand the underlying threat model at all.
> Anyone have a good phrase in mind that has the right sort of flavor
> for describing this sort of thing?

Chief Security Officer comes to mind...

> Perry


J.A. Terranson

I like the idea of belief in drug-prohibition as a religion in that it is
a strongly held belief based on grossly insufficient evidence and
bolstered by faith born of intuitions flowing from the very beliefs they
are intended to support.

don zweig, M.D.

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