Alexander Klimov wrote:
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005, Ben Laurie wrote:

Alexander Klimov wrote:

ECC is known since 1985 but seems to be absent in popular free
software packages, e.g., neither gnupg nor openssl has it (even if the
relevant patches were created). It looks like the main reason is some
patent uncertainty in this area.

I don't, but it is not the case that OpenSSL does not include ECC.

You are absolutely right the Sun patch was finally accepted,
although there were some patent-related discussions, e.g., at

If debian wants OpenSSL to do something, then it needs to tell OpenSSL. We aren't telepaths.

There is also work on ECC for gnupg
and again there were patent-related discussions about the issue. ECC
is also implemented in crypto++ and other libraries.

But (potential) problem still persists: even if openssl implements ECC
it does not save you from patent issues if they exist.

It does if they are owned by Sun.




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